Home » Core Faculty
The MDI Murshidabad faculty is a healthy blend of academicians, policy makers, administrators and managers. MDI Murshidabad faculty combines scholarship, experience, and innovative pedagogy to bring best-in-class learning both in classroom and out of it. Faculty carries out cutting edge research and regularly publishes in renowned management journals.
There are eight academic areas at MDI Murshidabad:
- Accounting and Finance
- Economics
- Information Management
- Marketing
- Operations Management
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
- Quantitative Techniques
- Strategic Management and International Business
- DOJ: 15/09/2014
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: pinkupaul@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/9674757164 (Extn. 116)
- She teaches the core courses Management Accounting-I, II and Corporate Finance. She also offers the elective Investment analysis and Portfolio Management.
- Analysis of Financial Statements of the Companies
- To study the financial statement of the companies and state their financial health.
- Each Academic Group selects its own Industry, chooses three companies from the Industry, and performs financial statement analysis by using tools such as comparative, common size, trend, and ratio analysis.
- Fundamental Analysis of a Company
- Construction of Portfolio
- Evaluation of the performance of the Portfolio
- To develop skills to construct a portfolio by understanding the objective of investment and the models of Portfolio construction.
- To develop skills to evaluate the performance of the portfolio by using different performance evaluation indexes.
- Using Bloomberg for data collection and analysis.
- Each Group has been assigned the Project work and they do the project work and make the presentation for the same.
- Paul P (2023), “Delineating Efficient Frontier”- Case Study, SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals. Online ISBN: 9781071913833, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4135/9781071913833
- Paul P (2023), “Multilayer Profitability Analysis using DuPont Model”- Case Study, SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals. Online ISBN:9781529611366, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529611366
- Paul. P (2022), “ Revisiting Economic Growth and Steel Consumption: Evidence from India”, The Indian Economic Journal, Sage Publication, Published online https://doi.org/10.1177/00194662221137264, (ABDC-B, UGC Care), Co-Author: Mitra P.
- Paul. P (2022), “ Analyzing Customer Satisfaction Index of E-Banking using Kano (1984) Model Framework”, Global Business Review, Sage Publication, Published online, https://doi.org/10.1177/09721509221093892 (ABDC-C, Scopus indexed), Co-Authors: Giri S., Mitra P., and Haque M.
- Paul. P (2021), “Understanding The Performance Of Indian Steel Industry: A DEA Approach”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, Published online, 19th October 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.09.424, (Scopus indexed, Cite score-1.8), Co-Authors Giri S. and Mitra P.
- Paul P (2021), “Evaluation of Mutual Funds’ Performance”- Case Study, Ivey Publishing, Ivey Business School, Ontario, Canada.
- Paul P (2021), “A Study of Multilayered Profitability Analysis by Using DuPont Model: Evidence from Indian Pharmaceutical Industry”, Global Business Review, Sage Publication, Published online, https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150921993056, (ABDC-C, Scopus indexed)
- Paul P (2020), “Efficient Diversification” – Case Study in Accounting and Finance, The Case Centre, UK (case study along with teaching note and instructor spreadsheet has been uploaded). Case No.: 120-0096-1. Teaching Note No.: 120-0096-8, Instructor spreadsheet No: 120-0096-8B
- Paul P., Mitra P. Haque M. M (2019), “Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis and the Dance Class Business” Journal of Services Research, Volume 19 Number 2 (Oct. 2019 – March 2020). (ABDC-C, EBSCO Host, ProQuest, UGC Care)
- Paul P., Mitra P. (2018), “Analysis of the Effect of Working Capital Management on Profitability of the Firm: Evidence from Indian Steel Industry” in Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, SAGE Publications, ISSN 2319510X, eISSN: 23210729, 14(1–2) 1–7 © 2018, sagepub.in/home.nav, DOI: 10.1177/2319510X18812142.
- Paul P., Mitra P. (2018), “Multivariate Analysis of impact of Financial efficiency on Profitability of Indian Cement Industry” in International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Special issue, Nov, 2018, http://www.indusedu.org/IJREISS.php, pg 260. Indexed at ICI, Cite facor, Open J-Gate, Proquest.
- Paul P., Mitra P. (2017), “A Critical Analysis of the Financial Efficiency of the Steel Industry in India” in the Journal: Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation (Print – ISSN 2278-1838) (Online – ISSN 2319-7218), May, 2017 under SAGE Journals, https://doi.org/10.1177/2319510X17696651
- Paul P., (2016) “A Study on Receivables Management in Select Companies of Indian Steel Industry”, International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, Vol. 05 Issue 02, January 2016. ISSN (Online): 2278-0211. Co-author-Mitra P., indexed in Google scholar, Crossref, i-Scholar, ULRICHWEB, BASE, Open J-Gate, IISS, Electronic Journals Library.
- Paul P., (2015) “A Study on Operational Performance of Indian Commercial Banks”, International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management, Vol. 18 Issue 4, July 2015. ISSN (Online): 22307893. Indexed at Google Scholar, ICI and WorldCat.
- Paul P., (2014) “A Study of Receivables Management in Select Companies of Indian Automobile Industry”, BIITM Business Review of BIITM, Bhubaneswar, India, Vol-5, No.2, July-December 2014.ISSN-2250-1533
- Paul P., (2014) “An Empirical Study on Multi-Criteria Approach to Mutual Funds Selection’, Splint International Journal of Professionals, a Bi-Annual International Journal, Vol-1, No-1, July, 2014 Print- ISSN: 2349-6045.
- Paul P., (2014) ‘A Study on Individual Investors Awareness and Preference for Mutual Funds’, International Journal for Management Research, Vol. IV/ Issue –1/ April 2014, Print- ISSN -2231-6949
- Paul P, Yadav S., and Srivastava S, (2023), A Study On Financial Distress Analysis Of The Indian Pharmaceuticals Industry, Resilience, and Sustainable Development, Bloomsbury Publisher.
- Paul P, (2023), Performance Analysis of HUL by using DuPont Model, Reinventing Management through Sustainability, Innovation and Analytics, Bloomsbury Publisher, 2023.
- Paul P, Yadav S., and Srivastava S, (2023), Financial Distress Analysis Of The Steel Industry Using Altman’s Z Score Model, Reinventing Management through Sustainability, Innovation and Analytics, Bloomsbury Publisher.
- Paul P (2022), ‘A Study on Sustainable Working Capital Composition and Financing Pattern of Non-Financial Industries in India. Sustainable Marketing and Customer Value, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group Publisher, (Scopus indexed).
- Paul P and Giri S, (2020), ‘Understanding Business Sustainability by Analyzing Financial Leverage Impact on The Profitability, Managing Business- A Twenty-First Century Perspective, Feel Book Publisher.
- Paul P and Giri S, (2020), ‘Supply Chain Visibility in Manufacturing Industries’, Managing Business- A Twenty-First Century Perspective, Feel Book Publisher.
- Paul P., (2013) ‘An Empirical Study on Investors’ Perception towards Mutual Funds’ in the “Kushagra Proceedings 2013” Book on Strategic Measures for Economic Sustainability and Innovations by Kushagra Institute of Information & Management Science and Himalaya Publication House, New Delhi, 2013. ISBN-978-93-5097-696-8
- Paul P., (2011) ‘Changing Phases of Indian Life Insurance Industry Potential and Prospects’ (Chapter-22) in the Book on ‘Financial Risk Management- A Challenge for the Competitive Markets’ by Rourkela School of Management & Information Science and Excel Books, New Delhi, First Edition, 2011.ISBN-978-81-7446-910-6
- Edited Book on Resilience and Sustainable Development, 2023 by Bloomsbury Publisher with Dr. S Giri, Dr. P. Mitra, and Dr. N. Singhal. ISBN-978-93-56404-13-7
- Edited Book on Sustainable Development: A Value Chain Perspective, 2019 by Speaking Tiger with Dr. S Giri, Dr. P. Mitra and Dr. S. Chattopadhyay. ISBN-978-93-88874-23-6
- Organizational Behavior, 2013 published by Engineers’ Mind Publication, ISBN-81-7406-014-6
- She has Conducted MDPs for FSNL Executives and MSTC Executives on Finance for non-Finance and for Life Insurance Corporation Executives on General Management.
- She has conducted training program for FSNL executives.
- DOJ: 09/12/2019
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: dr.chetan@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/9674757164 (Extn. 178)
- Discounted Cash Flow valuation of a listed manufacturing company (should be part of Nifty-200 index). To be done on an Excel spreadsheet and submitted by the respective groups within the set deadline.
- Black Litterman’s Portfolio Optimization (BL Model). Students will work in the group and create a portfolio based on the BL Model.
- G K, C. (2024), “Berger Paints India Limited:” Discovering the optimal capital structure (Case No. W38431, TN: W38432). Ivey Publishing.
https://www.iveypublishing.ca/s/product/berger-paints-india-limited-discovering-the-optimal-capital-structure/01tOF0000063Gb3YAE - G K, C., & Ajoy Kumar, M. (2024), “Stock market integration:” Analysis of long and short run dynamics between Indian market and global markets. Empirical Economics Letters, 23(9), 1681–8997 (ABDC-Cat ‘C’).
- Banerjee, S., & G K, C. (2024), “Role of Microfinance in Empowering Women:” Insights from a Household Survey in West Bengal. Empirical Economics Letters, 23(Special issue), 1681–8997 (ABDC-Cat ‘C’).
- G K, C. (2023), “Sharpe’s single index model” (Case No. W34642, TN: W34643). Ivey Publishing. https://www.iveypublishing.ca/s/product/sharpes-single-index-model/01tOF000001e3ugYAA
- G K, C. (2023), “Stock price prediction using neural network:” A bibliometric analysis. Empirical Economics Letters, 22(12), 1681–8997 (ABDC-Cat ‘C’).
- Swar, B. N., G K, C., & Singhal, N. (2021), “Contemporary issues and challenges in business post-COVID-19.” Taylor & Francis Group. https://doi.org/9781032214443
- G K, C., & Nagaraj, B. V. (2019), “Heera Ceramics Private Ltd:” Estimating hurdle rate (Case No. 119-0005-1, TN: 119-0005-8). The Case Centre.
- G K, C., & Nagaraj, B. V. (2018), “Price discovery and volatility spillover among selected commodity spices.” Wealth – International Journal of Money, Banking and Finance, 7(1), 2277–9388.
- Chakraborty, S., & G K, C. (2018), “A study of quarterly earnings announcement and stock price reactions” – With reference to Nifty Midcap 150. Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research, 7(4), 2277–2146.
- G K, C., & Garag, A. G. (2017), “An empirical analysis of lead and lag relationship between CNX Bank Index and Bank Nifty Futures of the Indian capital market.” In International Conference on Global Healthcare Management and Business Issues (pp. 223–234). Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies. ISBN: 978-93-86256-31-7.
- G K, C., & Garag, A. G. (2016), “Modeling and forecasting of the stock market volatility of S&P CNX Nifty-50 Index of India using GARCH family models.” GE International Journal of Management Research, 4(6), 154–166.
- G K, C., & Garag, A. G. (2015), “Equity market linkages among India and selected ASEAN countries:” An empirical analysis. Intercontinental Journal of Banking, Insurance and Finance, 2(6), 25–37.
- JSW Cements, Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh. Undertaken a project on Employee Satisfaction Survey. As per the requirement of the project, interviewed the various personnel of the company from different levels as part of survey process.
- Kirloksar Group’s Fast-Tracker Assignment: Worked as an assessor to evaluate the various personnel’s performance from Kirloskar Group Companies to identify the fast tracker.
- DOJ: 16/05/2018
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: souvik.banerjee@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/9674757164 (Extn. 167)
- Corporate Restructuring and Business Valuation:
This course provides knowledge with respect to corporate valuation and restructuring.
- Corporate professionals delivered guest lecture on corporate valuation in the context of merger and acquisition as well projection of corporate financial statements.
- Data from Bloomberg finance lab and CMIE prowess is used for the final project on company valuation.
- Project Appraisal & Finance:
This course provides knowledge with respect to project appraisal and finance. Corporate professionals delivered guest lecture on sustainability aspect of project appraisal and finance as part of the course. Data from Bloomberg finance lab and CMIE prowess is used for the final project. - Structured Finance:
This course provides knowledge to students with respect to innovative, new age financial products like securitisation, Mortgage Backed Securities, Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO) etc. This course is delivered jointly with Prof.Prantik Ray from XLRI, Jamshedpur. MS Excel based modelling is used as part of the course. Corporate professionals delivered guest lecture on sustainable structured finance as part of the course. - Corporate Finance-1:
This course introduces students to finance. As the PGDM program gets students from various undergraduate disciplines, this course provides a foundation to students with respect to finance discipline. The course includes project work. Through this project work students learn how to calculate systematic risk of companies. Students calculate systematic risk of companies across the globe. For this purpose Bloomberg finance lab and CMIE prowess database is used. Guest lecture by corporate professionals is arranged as part of this course. - Business Research Methods:
The course delivery is done through SPSS Lab at the institute. SPSS is a cutting edge software from IBM. This software is widely used for business as well as market research. Guest lecture by corporate professionals is arranged as part of this course. - Determinants of Dividend Payment Decision: A Study of Companies in India’s Power Sector. AAYAM: AKGIM Journal of Management (Indexed in Cabell’s , Proquest) 8 (1), 33-40, June, 2018.
- Impact of Cash Holding on Foreign Institutional Holding in Large Manufacturing Companies in India: An Empirical Study. DLSU Business & Economics Review (Indexed in Scopus, Ebsco) [SNIP Value (Scopus) 0.375] , 28 (2), 142-151, January, 2019.
- Tata Steel’s Takeover of Bhusan Steel: Consolidation In Indian Steel Industry. IMT Case Journal (ISSN:2229-6743), 9(1), December, 2018.
- Role of Investment Banks in IPO Subscription: Evidence from the Indian IPO Market. AAYAM-AKGIM JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, Vol4-No1, June, 2014, pp.7-12(ISSN: 2231-4326) (Indexed in Cabell’s).
- A Comparative Analysis of Dividend Policy of Selected Public Sector and Private Sector Banks in India. Samvad the Management Journal of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune, Vol 11, pp.59-64(ISSN 2249-1880), (Indexed in J-Gate).
- Determinants of Dividend Policy for Cement Sector in India: An Empirical Analysis. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol 13-No2, June, 2016, pp.106-110 (ISSN:0973-3167)(Indexed in Cabell’s, EBSCO & ProQuest).
- CMC’s Merger with TCS: Pros and Cons for the CMC Shareholders. Published by Case Center, the UK December,2016.
- Do Financial Parameters Differ Based on IPO Grade: An Empirical Analysis from the Indian Equity Market. SIES Journal of Management, Vol.11-No2, September, 2015, pp.53-62(ISSN: 0974 2956) (A ProQuest and EBSCO Indexed Journal).
- Matrix Software Technologies: Target of a Takeover. FIIB Business Review, Vol 4-No3, September, 2015, pp.30-33(ISSN: 2319-7145).
- Mundra Ultra Mega Power Plant: Regulatory Issues on Tariff Determination. Asian Journal of Case Research, Vol.8, No.1, pp.1-12 (ISSN: 1985-4579). Published by Putra Business School, Malaysia (Only AACSB Accredited Business School in Malaysia).
- Determinants of Under-pricing of Graded IPOs in the Indian Capital Market. Singapore Management Journal for publication, Vol.5, No.1, pp.45-68(ISSN: 2251-239X).
- Determinants of Investor’s Appetite of IPOs in Indian Capital Market: An Empirical Study. DLSU Business & Economic Review, Vol 24-No2, January, 2015, pp.77-91(ISSN: 0116-7111)( Indexed in Scopus)(Ranked 31, in the Asiatic Region by SCImago Journal Ranking, based on citations in 2013).
- Effect of Financial Inclusion on Equality, Poverty and Human Development: An Empirical Analysis in the Context of South Asia. Presented in The Indian Econometric Society of India (TIES) conference held in NISM, Navi Mumbai. January, 2019
- DOJ: 13/10/2014
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: paromamitra@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/9674757164 (Extn. 177)
- Term-I: Micro economics
- Term-II: Economic Environment and Policy-I
- TERM-III: Economic Environment and Policy-II
- TERM-IV: Data Analysis with Econometrics tools
- “Revisiting Economic Growth and Steel Consumption: Evidence from India published in ” Indian economic journal: the quarterly journal of the Indian Economic Association” December 2022, ABDC –B category, ISSN: 0019-4662, DOI: 10.1177/00194662221137264 ( with Paul P.)
- “Analysing the Customer Satisfaction Index of E-banking Using Kano (1984) Model Framework” in Global Business Review, Sage publication (ABDC-C, Scopus cite core: 2.1, 2020) ( with Paul, P., Giri, G. & Haque, M.M.)
- Bijoypur Silk Khadi Seva Sanstha: A Struggle for Survival of Garad Silk in Changing Times, “SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals” 03, Jan , 2022, Discipline: Marketing, Consumer Marketing, Small Business Marketing,Contains:Teaching Notes, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529793567, Keywords: branding, consumer behavior, consumers, customers, government, India, industry, pricing, survival, weavers (Co-Author S Banerjee)
- “Revamping heritage brand: a case of Murshidabad, West Bengal, India” in Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Springer, March 2021, DOI: 10.1057/s41254-021-00202-w (with Banerjee S)
- “Does the steel consumption affect the economic growth in India?”, in Journal of Social Sciences, 48(3), July 2020, E-ISSN: 0975-8935 P-ISSN: 0253-1097
- “Cost Volume Profit Analysis and the Dance class business” in Journal of Services Research, 19( 2), October-2019-March 2020, ISSN-0972-4702(Print)/ISSN-2581-3412(Online) http://jsr.vedatya.ac.in/adsmin.asp?Details=332B2:B11B16B2:B12B2:B13B1B2:B14 (ABDC-C) (with Paul, P.& Haque, M.M).
- “Electoral Alliance with Sworn Opponent Political Party: Factors Impacting Voting Intention” in Asian Journal of Political Science, Taylor & Francis/Routledge publication, Print ISSN:0218-5377,Electronic ISSN:1750-7812, Country of Publication: Singapore, DOI: 10.1080/02185377.2019.1579105, February 11, 2019 ( with S. Bannerjee)
- “Analysis of the Effect of Working Capital Management on Profitability of the Firm: Evidence from Indian Steel Industry” in Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, SAGE Publications, ISSN 2319510X, eISSN: 23210729, 14(1–2) 1–7 © 2018, sagepub.in/home.nav, DOI: 10.1177/2319510X18812142, http://journals.sagepub.com/home/abr ( with P.Paul).
- “Multivariate Analysis of impact of Financial efficiency on Profitability of Indian Cement Industry” in International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Special issue, Nov, 2018, http://www.indusedu.org/IJREISS.php, pg 260 ( with P.Paul).
- “A Critical Analysis of the Financial Efficiency of the Steel Industry in India” in Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, SAGE Publications, ISSN 2319510X, eISSN: 23210729 , DOI: 10.1177/2319510X17696651 http://apjmri.sagepub.com, May 3, 2017 ( with P.Paul).
- “ A study on Receivables Management in select companies of Indian Steel Industry” in International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, ISSN 2278-0211, Volume 5, Issue 2, January 2016 (Special Issue) (with P.Paul).
- “Industry Attractiveness: A Case on Indian Steel Industry” in International Journal of Research in Management, Economics & Commerce, ISSN 2250-057X, Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2015. (with Roy D.).
- “Liquidity Management: A multivariate analysis of financial indicators of two steel plants” in Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation under SAGE Publication, Volume II, Issue I, pp 66-7, DOI: 10.1177/2319510X14565015, March 2015. (with Roy D.).
- “Analysis of Degree of Global Competitiveness: a case on Cement Industry” International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, Volume 3, Issue 12(special issue), ISSN No. 2278-0211 (Online), November, 2014, pp 347-352.
- “An empirical study on Challenges faced by the Small and Medium size rural retailers in India” Trends and Challenges in Global Business Management ISBN 978-93-82338-84 (2013) pp 356-366 (With Halder P)
- “In search of a mathematical form for a production function of wheel machining” in Journal of Applied Finance and Economics, Volume1, Issue 1-2, January- December, 2013, ISSN No 2347-6753, pp 1-8 (with Roy D.).
- “ Measuring degree of global competitiveness: a case study on world tea industry” International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, Volume 2, Issue 12(special issue), ISSN No. 2278-7631, December, 2013, pp 26-32. (with Sahoo I. and Roy D.)
- “Degree of global competitiveness: a study on world passenger car industry” SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Vol. X, Number IV, (October – December 2013) (with Mittal A. and Roy D.) Copernicus Index Value 5.34, UGQR impact factor 1.1
- “National Steel Policy 2005: A trend analysis between the aimed and forecasted performances” in International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, Volume 2, Issue 11November, 2012, ISSN: 2250-057X, pp 447 – 463.( with Roy D.).
- “Product-wise trend analysis of the production of Durgapur Steel Plant”, in Singhad Business Review, Volume-4, Issue-1, January-Jun, 2011, ISSN: 0974-0597, pp 17-23. (with Roy D.).
- “A Study on deflated average cost of four products of Durgapur Steel Plant to find out the optimum state of operation” 2011, published in TECNIA Journal of Management Studies, Volume 5, Number 2, October2010 to March2011, ISSN: 0975-7104, pp 35-45. (with Roy D.).
- “Global Competitiveness in the Steel Industry”, 2010, published in Asia –Pacific Business Review, SAGE Journal, Volume 6, Number 4, October-December 2010, ISSN: 0973-2470, pp79-87. (with Roy D.).
- “Cost Optimization of six products of Durgapur Steel Plant”, 2010, Management and Change, Volume 14, Number 1, ISSN: 0972-2149, pp 101-118. (with Roy D.).
- “Liquidity Trends: Corporate Comparatistics”, 2008, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Volume 5, Number 4, October-December, 2008, ISSN: 0973-3167, pp 92-100. (with Roy D.).
- “Attractiveness of steel industry in the twenty- first Century” in Managing Business, A Twenty-First Century Perspective, Feel Books Pvt. Ltd., pp: 57-71, ISBN: 978-93-89692-14-3.2020 ( With Giri S.)
- “Supplier Collaborative Practices in Supply Chain for Business Excellence”, in Managing Business, A Twenty-First Century Perspective, Feel Books Pvt. Ltd., pp:136-146. ISBN: 978-93-89692-14-3. ( With Giri S.)
- “Analysis of financial indicators in the multivariate domain: a study on two steel plants” in edited volume- “Business Excellence-Rhetoric and Reality”, jointly published by the Department of Business Administration and Business Administration (Human Resource),The University of Burdwan, ISBN:81-87259-83-3, pp: 159-170. (with Roy D.).
- “An Analysis of Degree of Global Competitiveness on World Tea Production” in conference proceedings National Conference on recent trends in Operations Research (NCRTOR-2013) on 11-12 April, 2013, Department of Applied Sciences, Amity School of Engineering & Technology, New Delhi, E-ISBN: 978-93-5104-748-3.(with Sahoo I.)
- “Steel Industry: Attractiveness in Indian Market” in XVI Annual Convention of Strategic Management Forum: Indian and Indigenous Strategies, Excel India Publisher, 2013, IIM Kozhikode, ISBN: 978-93-82880-36-3, pp 519-522. (with Roy D.)).
- “Analysis of degree of global competitiveness on world passenger car production”, in conference proceedings Global Competitiveness and Corporate Governance Imperatives in Emerging Economics, Ansal University, ISBN: 978-93-81583-890, pp 142-149, February, 2013. (with Mittal A.)
- “Analysis of degree of global competition country wise in cement industry” in conference proceedings Global Competitiveness and Corporate Governance Imperatives in Emerging Economics, Ansal University, ISBN: 978-93-81583-890, pp134-141, February, 2013. (with Aggarwal M.)
- “An Empirical Study on Challenges Faced by the Small and Medium Size Rural Retailers in India” in conference proceedings Trends and Challenges in Global Business Management Organized by Department of Management Studies Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering (SNGCE) Kolenchery, Kerala, Published by Bonfiring, Tamil Nadu India.ISBN 978-93-82338-84-0
- Mitra, P. & Bannerjee, S. (2020). Managing Business- A Twenty-First Century Perspective. Feel Books Pvt. Ltd., ISBN: 978-93-89692-14-3. 201 pages.
- Giri, S., Paul, P., Mitra, P., & Chatterjee, S. (2019). Sustainable Development: A Value Chain Perspective. Speaking Tiger Publications. ISBN: 978-93-88874-23-6. 285 pages.
- “Govt’s first focus on infrastructure, primary education, macroeconomics factors” published in The India Infoline, Mumbai, on 5th March, 2016.
- Union Budget 2016-17 and Impact on Education Sector, Published in Inside IIM.com on 8th March, 2016. https://insideiim.com/union-budget-2016-17-and-impact-on-education-sector/
- “In search of manpower” published in The Statesman, on 12th September, 2014.
- “CAREER SCAPE: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (Word is your oyster)” published in The Tribune, on 17th September, 2014.
- Organized SDVP-19 as Co- Chairperson, “International Conference on Sustainable Development- a value chain perspective” 6-7 Dec 2019. (with Giri, S., Paul, P., and Bhattacharjee, S.)
- Organized SDVP-18 as Convener, “International Conference on Sustainable Development- a value chain perspective” 7-8 Nov 2018. (with Giri, S., Paul, P., and Chatterjee, S.)
- Presented in abstentia “ITBI-15” – 7th International conference on “Information Technology and Business Intelligence” jointly organized by IMT Nagpur, from Jan 21- 23, 2016
- Presented “Liquidity management in the multivariate domain – a case analysis of two steel plants” in 2013 India Accounting & Finance Conference: September 9th to 11th 2013: IIM Lucknow.
- Presented “Liquidity trends: an analysis of two cement companies” in 2013 India Accounting & Finance Conference: September 9th to 11th 2013: IIM Lucknow.
- Strategic management forum: XVI Annual Convention in IIM Kozhikode, 23-25 MAY, 2013 paper presentation in the Main Conference being held as part of the Annual convention.
- National Conference on recent trends in Operations Research (NCRTOR-2013) on 11-12 April, 2013, Department of Applied Sciences, Amity School of Engineering & Technology, New Delhi.
- National Conference on Paradigm for Sustainable Business: People, Planet, and Profit, organized by IIT Roorkee, on March 8-9, 2013.
- ICGCE-2013-International Conference on Global Competitiveness and Corporate Governance Imperatives in Emerging Economics” organized by School of Management Studies, Ansal University, Gurgaon, from Feb 15 -16, 2013.
- “ITBI-12” – 4th International conference on “Information Technology and Business Intelligence” jointly organized by IMT Nagpur, from Nov 23- 25, 2012.
- “International Conference on Marketing Paradigms In Emerging Economies”, Dec 4-5, 2012, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
- “International Conference on Frontiers of Infrastructure Finance, (ICFIF”,) 2011 held at IIT Kharagpur, India from Dec 29-30, 2011.
- “International Conference “SILVERZ-2009”, held at The University of Burdwan from Jan 29-31, 2009.
- “Cost Behaviour and CVP Analysis” in a four-day residential Management Development Program on “High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem” for Executives of SAIL-ISP to be held from 7-10th January, 2019. (one session)
- Conducted session on “Cost Behaviour and CVP Analysis” in a four-day residential Management Development Program on ‘”High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem” for Executives of SAIL-ISP held from 10-13th December, 2018. (one session)
- Conducted session on “Cost Behaviour and CVP Analysis” in a three-day residential Management Development Program on ‘”High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem” for Executives of SAIL-ISP held from 27-29th August 2018. (one session)
- Conducted session on “Cost Behaviour and CVP Analysis” in a three-day residential Management Development Program on ‘”High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem” for Executives of SAIL-ISP held from 6-8 August 2018. (one session)
- Conducted session on “Cost Behaviour and CVP Analysis” in a three-day residential Management Development Program on ‘”High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem” for Executives of SAIL-ISP held from 2-4 July 2018. (one session)
- Conducted session on “Cost focused Approach of Management” in a three-day residential Management Development Program on ‘”High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem” for Executives of SAIL-ISP held from 11-13 Jun 2018. (one session).
- Conducted sessions on “Problem solving and decision making”in a six-day residential Management Development Program MDP on Administration and Project Management for WBCS (Executive) held from 8- 13 Jan 2018 at MDI Murshidabad (One Session)
- Conducted sessions “ Cost Behaviour Analysis and Cost information for problem solving and Deceson making” in a three-day residential Management Development Program on Finance for non-finance for FSNL Executives held from 27-29 April 2017 at MDI Murshidabad (two Sessions)
- Conducted sessions “ Cost Behaviour Analysis and Cost information for problem solving and Deceson making” in a three-day residential Management Development Program on Finance for non-finance for MSTC Executives from 15-17 Sep 2016 at MDI Murshidabad (two Sessions)
- Conducted sessions on “Creativity and innovation” with LICI in 2016
- DOJ: 18/11/2019
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: bikramjit.pal@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/9674757164 (Extn. 138)
- Cyber Security: Dr. Pal’s work in cyber security focuses on developing robust systems to protect information and networks from cyber threats. His research addresses both theoretical and practical aspects of cyber security, contributing to safer digital environments.
- Big Data: In the realm of big data, Dr. Pal explores methods for managing and analysing vast amounts of data to derive meaningful insights. His work has applications in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and technology.
- Machine Learning Applications: Dr. Pal is deeply involved in the application of machine learning techniques to solve complex problems. His research in this area includes developing algorithms and models that enhance decision-making processes and predictive analytics.
- Cloud Computing: His research in cloud computing focuses on optimizing cloud infrastructure and services to improve efficiency and scalability. Dr. Pal’s contributions help businesses leverage cloud technology to achieve operational excellence.
- E – Commerce and E – Business
- Business Analytics
- Business Intelligence
- Brain Storming Strategy
- Exploration Techniques
- Visualization Techniques
- Practical Consideration of Active Learning
- Professional and Industry Based Curriculum
- Case Discussion
- Behavior Management
- Pal Bikramjit, “Business -to-Rural (B2R) and Rural-to-Business (R2B) E – Commerce Models”, Empirical Economics Letters, 22 (Special Issue 3), September 2023, pp. 53 – 58.
- Pal Bikramjit, “Industrial 4.0 and E – Commerce: The Digital Transformation in the Banking Industry”, Empirical Economics Letters, 21 (Special Issue 3), December 2022, pp. 11 – 22.
- Pal Bikramjit, “A Study on Microsoft Bing Chatbot”, Korea Review of International Studies, Vol. – 15, Issue – 40, November 2022.
- Pal Bikramjit, “Case Study in Productivity Paranoia and Moonlighting in IT Sector”, Manager – The British Journal of Administrative Management, Vol. – 58, Issue – 156, November 2022.
- Pal Bikramjit, “Cyber Security in the Age of Industry 4.0”, Empirical Economics Letters, 21 (Special Issue 4), July 2022, pp. 145 – 156.
- Pal Bikramjit, “Vaccination Management in Covid – 19 for Indian Subcontinent (An Empirical Study”, IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, Vol. – 10, Issue-5, Series-3, Sept.-Oct. 2021, pp. 01 – 06.
- Pal Bikramjit, Samanta Aishwarya, Sourabh Sonik. “Artificial Intelligence in Public Health Care”, International e-Conference on Impact of New Normal and Covid-19 on Education, Economic, Business Strategies and Management of Supply Chain, Entrepreneurial Economist Club, Dhaka School of Economics, Bangladesh; Lap Lambert Publications; October, 2020; pp. 208 – 217.
- Pal Bikramjit, De Mallika, “Simulation of BRKSS Architecture of Data Warehouse Employing Shared Nothing Clustering”, International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Vol. 9, Issue 1, February 2019, pp. 5 – 18.
- Life Member of CSI (Membership no. 00153885)
- Life Member of Indian National Science Congress (Mem. No. L22005)
- Life Member of International Association of Engineers (Mem No. 170891)
- DOJ: 27/02/2020
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: drbnswar@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/9674757164 (Extn. 179)
- Marketing of Services
- Sales and Distribution Management
- Retail Management
- Customer Relationship Management
- Marketing Analytics
- The course assumes a problem-solving approach, in addition to exposing the student to relevant theories, including the statistics. Naturally, there remains a felt need for implementation of the marketing models that are discussed. To this end, more than 50% of the sessions are held in a computer laboratory, where students are exposed to actual problem solving, most typically when faculty runs SPSS and along with this student also get an exposure to learn this tool.
- When it comes to implementation of the tools, we assign team projects that aims to solve a practical problem in the realm of marketing analytics. This is an innovative component aimed at enhancing problem solving skills of students. A number of cases solved in the class supplemented by a project of this nature is expected to give the student a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter as compared to conventional approaches that remain confined to texts.
- Fernades Semila, Panda Rajesh, Venkatesh V.G, Swar Biranchi Narayan and Yangyan Shi. (07/2022) “Measuring the Impact of Online Reviews on Consumer Purchase Decisions – A Scale Development Study” in Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (ISSN: 0969-6989, Scopus/ABDC-A, ABS-2*).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Panda Rajesh. (05/2021) “Online Retail Service Quality: Scale Development and Validation” Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective (Scopus/ABDC-C).
- Ameer Hussain, A., Swar Biranchi Narayan Swar, and Bhattacharyya, R. (07/2019) “A study on the impact of various dimensions of conflict in channel relationship and performance”, International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 5(3/4), pp.351-369, (ISSN: 1741-105X, Indexed in ABDC-C, Scopus)
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (02/2018) “An Exploration into the Factors driving Working Professionals buying Small Cars” Global Business Review, 19(1), pp.175-186, (ISSN: 0972-1509, Indexed in ABDC-C, Scopus, SCI, ProQuest and Ebsco).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Panda Rajesh (07/2017) “Customer Satisfaction, Product Quality and Service Quality: An Empirical Analysis for Staple and Luxury Products” International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15(16), pp.109-120, (ISSN: 0972 7302, Indexing in American Economic Association, ABDC-C, Scopus (Elsevier)).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Panda Rajesh (03/2017) “Customer Satisfaction and Online Retail Service Quality: A SEM Approach” International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15(2), pp.307-318, (ISSN: 0972 7302, Indexing in American Economic Association, ABDC-C, Scopus (Elsevier)).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Hussain Ameer A, and Bhattacharya Rumna (04/2017) “Analysis of Inter-relationship between trust, communication and commitment and its effect on work relationship and performance: With special reference to Indian pump manufacturer and distributors” International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research” 15(2), pp.289-305, (ISSN: 0972 7302, Indexing in American Economic Association, ABDC-C, Scopus (Elsevier)).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Panda Rajesh (08/2016) “Customer Expectations and Performance of Banks-An Empirical Analysis” Indian Journal of Marketing 46(8), pp.25-36, (ISSN: 0973 8703, Indexing in Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, USA, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, USA, Scopus (Elsevier)).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Panda Rajesh (04/2016) “Electronic Retailing: A Review of Determinants of ‘Online Shopping Intentions’ in India” Indian Journal of Science and Technology (ISSN-Online: 0974 5645, Print: 0974 6846), 9(15), pp.1-6 (Impact Factor: 1.30), (Indexed in Scopus, J-Gate and Ebsco).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Panda Rajesh (01/2015) “Green Marketing in India: A Study of Selected Cases” International Journal of Applied Services Marketing Perspectives (ISSN-Online: 2279 0985, Print: 2279 0977). 4(1), pp.1444-1449. (Impact Factor: 5.057)
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Panda Rajesh (01/2015) “Indian Retail Banking: Understanding Customers’ Expectations” Perspectiva-A Case Research Journal, 1(1), pp.23-32. (ISSN-2394 9961).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Panda Rajesh and Mukerjee Kaushik (07/2014)) “Factors Affecting Brand Trust: An Exploratory Investigation Among Indian Retail Consumers” Indian Journal of Marketing, 44(7), pp.7-17, (ISSN: 0973 8703, Indexing in Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, USA, Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, USA, Scopus (Elsevier)).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Sahoo P. K (01/2014) “Measurement of Service Delivery in Selected Banks-A Perception & Expectation Analysis” Management Edge, 7(3), pp.14-24, (ISSN: 0976-0431, Indexed and Listed at Ebsco, ProQuest and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Panda Rajesh (10/2013) “Online Shopping: An Exploratory Study to Identify the Determinants of Shopper Buying Behaviour” International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation, 7(1), pp.52-59, (ISSN: 0974 5874, Embedded in Ebsco, Listed in Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory and Cabell’s Management Directory, USA).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (12/2013) “Green Marketing-Demonstrating a Strong Commitment to the Environment” TSM Business Review-International Journal of Management, 1(1), pp.27-35, (ISSN: 2348-3784).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (07/2013) “Measurement of Service Delivery in selected Public, Private & Foreign sector Banks-An Empirical Study” The Journal of Indian Management and Strategy, 18(3), pp.31-38, (ISSN: 0973-9335, Embedded in www.indianjournals.com with eISSN: 0973-9343,Indexed in J-gate, Ebsco, ProQuest, Google Scholar, Indian Science Index and Indian Citation Index).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (10/2012) “Measurement of Employees’ Service Quality & Delivery in selected Public, Private & Foreign sector Banks” Anvesha-The Journal of Management, 5(4), pp.34-39, (ISSN: 0974-5467, Embedded in ProQuest).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Sahoo P. K (07/2012) “Service Quality: Public, Private & Foreign Banks” SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 9(3), pp.43-51, (ISSN: 0973-3167, Embedded in Cabell’s Directory,USA, Ebsco, ProQuest).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Padhy P.K (01/2012) “Managing Customers’ perceptions and expectations of Service Quality in Banks- An Empirical Study” Asia-Pacific Marketing Review, 1(1), pp.63-71, (ISSN: 2277-2057, eISSN: 2320 9607).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Sahoo P. K (07/2012) “Determinants of effective Service Delivery-A Study of selected Public, Private & Foreign sector Banks in Odisha” Business Perspectives and Research (A Sage Publication), 1(1), pp.47-59. (ISSN: 2278-5337, Embedded in Ebsco, ProQuest).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (07/2012) “Managing Customers’ perceptions and expectations of Service Delivery in selected Banks in Odisha” Vidwat-The Indian Journal of Management, 5(2), pp.25-33, (ISSN: 0975-055X, Embedded in Ebsco).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (04/2012) “Measurement of Service Quality Delivery in selected Public, Private and Foreign sector Banks” The Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 5 (2), pp.85-102, (ISSN: 2229-5348).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (03/2011) “A Study on Customer Satisfaction & Service Quality Gaps in selected Private, Public & Foreign Banks” SIES Journal of Management, 7(2), pp.62-73,(ISSN: 0974-2956, Embedded in SSRN, it makes among SSRN top 10 list, Ebsco).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Sahoo P. K (07/2010) “Measurement of Service Quality Gaps in selected Public, Private and Foreign sector Banks-An Empirical Study” The Chanakya-The Journal of RIMS, 9(2), pp.47-62, (ISSN: 0972-3943).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Sahoo P. K (07/2010) “Measurement of Quality of Service Delivery in selected Public, Private and Foreign sector Banks in Odisha” Business Archives-The Journal of Delhi Business School, 1(2), pp.40-48, (ISSN: 0976-6758).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Sahoo P. K (07/2009) “Measuring Service Quality in selected Public, Private and Foreign Banks-An Empirical Study” Pragati- The Journal of Shivalik Institute of Management Education & Research, 2(1), pp.13-29, (ISSN: 0974-2018).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (01/2009) “Multi-Channel Retailing-Shopping Makes Simple” Effulgence-The Journal of Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, 7(1), pp. 20-25, (ISSN: 0972-8058, Embedded in www.publishingindia.com with eISSN: 0976-1713).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Pandey Shikha (01/2008) “Impacts of Globalization on Higher Education” Gyanodaya-The Journal of Progressive Education, 1(1), pp.50-59, (ISSN: 0974-1801,Embedded in www.indianjournals.com with eISSN: 2229-4422)
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (07/2007) “Challenges and Opportunities of Retailing in India” Journal of IMS Group, 4(2), pp.53-61, (ISSN: 0973-824X, Embedded in Cabell’s Management Directory, USA).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (09/2007) “Challenges and Opportunities of Organized Retailing in India” Journal of Marketing and Communication, 3(2), pp.41-49, (ISSN: 0973-2330, Embedded in Ebsco).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (01/2007) “A Study on Knowledge Management-As a tool for Managing Information” Mangalmay Journal of Management and Technology, 1(2), pp.43-50, (ISSN: 0973-7251, Embedded in www.indianjournals.com with eISSN: 2230-729X).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (07/2007) “Problems, Challenges & Opportunities of Logistics with special reference to Indian Economy” in www.indianjournals.com.
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (09/2021) “Post-COVID 19: The Change in Consumer Behavior and Implications to Retailers” Book titled “Contemporary issues and Challenges in Business Management: Post-COVID 19” by Taylor and Francis, pp. 105-111, (ISBN: 978-1-032-21444-3).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Panda Rajesh (05/2019) “Impact of customer satisfaction on retail brand loyalty: Does fairness matter?” Book titled “Advances in Business Management-A contemporary perspective” by Emerald Group Publishing (India) Private Limited, pp. 64-81, (ISBN: 978-1-78635-425-9).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Sahoo P. K (2013) “Role of Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) in Financial Inclusion” Book titled “Financial Inclusion, Inclusive Growth and the Poor” by New Century Publications, pp. 117-133, (ISBN: 978-81-7708- 367-5).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (2012) “Globalization of Higher Education: What it means for India” Book titled “Higher Education in India: Problems and Perspectives” by The Associated Publishers, pp. 35-59, (ISBN: 978-81-8429-084-4).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (2011) “A Study on Service Quality and Delivery scale validation in selected Public, Private and Foreign sector Banks in Orissa” Book titled “Sustaining Business in Turbulent Times: The Indian Perspective”, by Excel Books, pp.237-246, (ISBN: 978- 81- 7446- 9359).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Sahoo P. K (2009) “Measurement of Service Quality in selected Public, Private & Foreign sector Banks-An Empirical Study” Book titled “Storming the Global Business-Rise of Asian Tigers” by Excel Books, pp. 147-163, (ISBN: 9788- 1744- 67881).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (2009) “Challenges and Opportunities of Organized Retailing in India” Book titled “Recent Practices in Retail in India” by Bharati Book, pp.26-37, (ISBN: 978- 81- 904762- 63).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Mishra S.S and Upadhyaya A (2007) “Problems, Challenges and Opportunities of Logistics with special reference to Indian Economy” Book titled “Flexibility with Business Excellence in the Knowledge Economy” by Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management, pp.452-463, (ISBN: 978-81-903397-7-3).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (2007) “CRM in Retail Banking-Count on your Customers” Book titled “Mastering Change for Organizational Excellence” by Excel Books, pp.83-92, (ISBN: 978- 81- 7446- 581- 8).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Singhal Neeraj, and Chethan G.K. (09/2021), Book titled “Contemporary issues and Challenges in Business Management: Post-COVID 19” by Taylor and Francis, ISBN: 978-1-032-21444-3.
- Track: The Technical Marketing Session in the 4th National Management Summit and Research Conference (NMSRC-2020) organized by International School of Management, Patna during Dec 18th -19th ,2020.
- Track:8- Marketing in the 1st Rajagiri Management Conference (RMC 2020) organized by Rajagiri Business School, Kochi and Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand during Oct 15th -16th, 2020.
- Track 2: Communication Quotient 2019, in the biennial conference on the theme ‘Contemporary Media and Communication Ecology: Discourses and Dynamics’ Organized by Symbiosis School of Media and Communication, Bangalore on 19th Jan’19.
- Track: Marketing Management, in the Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies-Annual Research Conference i.e. SIMSARC-2015 on the theme ‘Managing Business Globally-An Indian Way’ Organized by Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune on 11th Dec’15.
- Track 3 (Consumer Behavior and Psychology-VI) in the 3rd International Marketing Conference (MARCON 2014) on the theme ‘Re-thinking Marketing’ Organized by Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta during 18-20th Dec’14.
- Track 2 (Services Marketing) in the International Conference on “Marketing in Emerging Economies: An Agenda for the Next Decade” Organized jointly by Punjab Technical University (PTU), India and The University of North Carolina (UNC), USA during 15th -16th Dec’12.
- Ninth Technical Session (Emerging Issues in Business Management) in the 13th International Conference on Emerging trends, Challenges and Opportunities in Global Business, Management, Tourism and Information Technology Organized by Research Development Association and Research Development Research Foundation in collaboration with Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jaipur in Goa during 28-29th Sept’13.
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (2021) “Determinants of Investment Behavior in Mutual Funds: An Empirical Investigation” in the 12th International Conference on Digitalization as Vehicle for Innovation, Organizational Growth and Effectiveness organized by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior during Feb 19th -20th, 2020, pp.106-121. (eISBN: 978-93-5408-778-3)
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Sharma Aksh (2019) “Determinants of Consumer Buying Behavior towards Television Sets” in the 14th SIMSR Global Marketing Conference on Marketing to Millennials organized by K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai during Feb 5th -8th, 2019, pp.174-179. (ISBN: 978-81-934533-8-4)
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Sharma Aksh (2019) “Factors affecting decision making of Indian consumers for their Television sets” in the 3rd International Conference on Facets of Business Excellence (FOBE 2018) organized by IMT-Ghaziabad during Nov 22nd -26th, 2018, pp.1-9. (ISBN: 978-93-88630-05-4, Bloomsbury Publishing)
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (2019) “An Investigation into Young Consumers Online Shopping Behaviour” in the NASMEI Summer Marketing in Information System Conference organized by IIM-Indore during July 26-28th, 2019, pp.58. (ISBN: 978-1-78635-428-0, Emerald Publishing)
- Swar Biranchi Narayan (2017) “Relationship between service quality and service delivery: An Empirical Investigation in the Indian Banking Industry” in the NASMEI Summer Marketing Conference on Creating Customer Value organized by IIM-Indore during July 27-29th, 2017, pp.135. (ISBN: 978-1-78635-416-7, Emerald Publishing)
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Panda Rajesh (2017) “An Empirical Study of the relationship among customer satisfaction, fairness, and retail brand loyalty in bricks and mortar stores” in the 7th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies Organized by IIM, Ahmedabad during 11th-13th Jan’17, pp.407-410, (ISBN: 978-81-920800-6-2).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Rajesh Panda (2015) “Service Quality Delivery in Indian Retail Banks: An Importance-Performance Analysis” in the 6th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies Organized by IIM, Ahmedabad during 7th -9th Jan’15, pp.75-81, (ISBN: 978-81-920800-3-1).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan, Rashid Sabrina and Ghose Kamal (2013) “Brand Creation in Retail Food Sector: Role of Organizational Culture” in the 5th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies Organized by IIM, Ahmedabad during 9th -11th Jan’13, pp.197-203, (ISBN: 978-81-920800-1-7).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Padhy P. K (2013) “Managing Service Quality Delivery: A Study on selected Public, Private & Foreign Banks in Odisha” in the 5th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies Organized by IIM, Ahmedabad during 9th -11th Jan’13, pp.145-148. (ISBN: 978-81-920800-1-7).
- Swar Biranchi Narayan and Padhy P. K (2009) “A Study on Customer Satisfaction & Service Gaps in selected Private, Public & Foreign Banks” in the 3rd IIMA International Conference on “Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies” Organized by IIM, Ahmedabad during 7th -9th Jan’09, pp.520-521. (ISBN: 978-81-8424-403-8).
- Presented a Paper titled “Consumers’ Online Shopping Behavior: A Post COVID-19 Analysis in India” in the First International Management Conference on Post COVID Management Strategies: Recovery, Resilience and Adaptation organized by IIM, Bodh Gaya, during 23rd -24th April’ 2021.
- Presented a Paper titled “Brand Loyalty in Online Retailing: Scale Development and Validation” in the SIMSARC 20 International Conference organized by SIMS, Pune during 21st-23rd Dec’2020.
- Presented a Paper titled “Service Quality in Indian Banks: Understanding Customers’ perspectives using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms” in the Seventh International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence organized by IIM, Bangalore, during Dec 5th -7th, 2019.
- Presented a Paper titled “An Investigation into Young Consumers Online Shopping Behavior” in the 2019 IIM Indore-NASMEI Summer Marketing International Conference organized by IIM, Indore, during July 26th -28th, 2019.
- Presented a Paper titled “Shoppers value, customer satisfaction and demographic variables: Evidence from Indian online retail” at the 7th International Symposium of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED) on Managing Business in a Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges organized by Skyline University, Dubai (UAE) during 17th -19th Dec, 2018.
- Presented a Paper titled “Brand Loyalty in Online Retailing in India: An Exploration of its Antecedents” at the JAMS India Conference on Managing Business and Innovation in Emerging Markets Organized by Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad during 26th -28th April, 2018.
- Presented a Paper titled “Relative importance of factors affecting shoppers’ perception towards digital payment” in the 5th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) on Indian insights integrating individuals, institutions and innovation organized by IIM-Indore during Dec 18-20th, 2017.
- Presented a Paper titled “Relationship between service quality and service delivery: An Empirical Investigation in the Indian Banking Industry” in the NASMEI Summer Marketing Conference on Creating Customer Value organized by IIM-Indore during July 27-29th, 2017.
- Presented a Paper titled “An Empirical Study of the Relationship among customer satisfaction, fairness, and retail brand loyalty in Bricks and Mortar Stores” in the 7th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies Organized by IIM, Ahmedabad during 11th -13th Jan’2017.
- Presented a Paper titled “Service Quality Delivery Gaps in Indian Banks-An Empirical Approach” in the International Conference on Marketing, Technology and Society Organized by IIM, Kozhikode during Sept 29th-Oct 1st 2016.
- Presented a Paper titled “Corporate Social Responsibility: Few Cases from Indian Corporate” in the International Conference on CSR in the Globalized World: Emerging Issues and Challenges Organized by IIM, Calcutta during 26-27th Feb’16.
- Presented a Paper titled “Service Quality Delivery in Indian Retail Banks: An Importance-Performance Analysis” in the 6th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies Organized by IIM, Ahmedabad during 7th -9th Jan’2015.
- Presented a Paper titled “Factors Influencing Buying Small Cars-An Exploratory Study Among Working Professionals” in the 3rd International Marketing Conference (MARCON 2014) Organized by IIM, Calcutta during 18th-20th Dec’14.
- Presented a Paper titled “Managing Service Quality Delivery: A Study on selected Public, Private & Foreign Banks in Odisha” in the 5th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies organized by IIM, Ahmedabad during 9th -11th Jan’13.
- Presented a Paper titled “Brand Creation in Retail Food Sector: Role of Organizational Culture” in the 5th IIMA Conference on Marketing in Emerging Economies Organized by IIM, Ahmedabad during 9th -11th Jan’13.
- Presented a Paper titled “Managing Customers’ perception and expectation of Service Delivery in selected Banks in Odisha” in the International Marketing Conference (MARCON 2012) organized by IIM, Calcutta during 28th -30th Dec’12.
- Presented a Paper titled “Determinants of Effective Service Delivery: A Study on selected Public, Private and Foreign Banks in Odisha” in the 1st International Marketing Conference (MARCON 2010) Organized by IIM, Calcutta during 27th-29th Dec’10.
- Presented a Paper titled “A Study on Customer Satisfaction & Service Gaps in selected Private, Public & Foreign Banks” in the 3rd IIMA International Conference on “Marketing Paradigms for Emerging Economies” Organized by IIM, Ahmadabad during 7th -9th Jan’09.
- Presented a Paper titled “Service Quality Gaps in Indian Banking Services-Emerging Challenges & Opportunities” in the ICTIM 2008 International Conference on “Technology & Innovation in Marketing” Organized by IMT, Ghaziabad during 18th -19th Apr’08.
- Presented a Paper titled “India as an Emerging Investment Destination with Special Reference to Retail Industry” in the 9th International Conference on “BRICS-Agenda for Cooperation” Organized by IAMT, Ghaziabad during 5th -7th Dec’07.
- Presented a paper titled “Influencer Marketing and Consumer Buying Behavior: Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms” in the National Conference on “Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence” Organized by IIM, Bangalore and CIT, Coimbatore during 26 -27th Aug’19.
- Presented a Paper titled “Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Indian Economy” in the National Conference on “Forecasting Financial Markets in India (FFMI-08)” Organized by VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur during 29th -31st Dec’08.
- Paper titled “Young Consumers Buying Behavior towards Green Products” has been adjudged for the BEST PAPER AWARD during the International Conference on Business Transformation and Excellence in Global Scenario organized by VIT-AP during 16th -18th Dec’ 2021.
- Case Study titled “Tata Tea Jaago Re! Campaign” has been adjudged for the BEST CASE AWARD during the International Conference on Business, IT and Enterprise Architecture (ICBIT-2020) Organized by Management Development Institute (MDI), Murshidabad during 25th -26th Sept’2020.
- Research Paper titled “Green Marketing Initiatives: A Study of Selected Cases from India” has been adjudged for the BEST PAPER AWARD during the 13th International Conference on Emerging trends, Challenges and Opportunities in Global Business, Management, Tourism and Information Technology Organized by Research Development Association and Research Development Research Foundation in collaboration with Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jaipur in Goa during 28-29th Sept’13.
- Ranked 3rd in order of Merit in B.A (Economics) and M.A (Economics) in the University Examination in the year 1999 and 2001 respectively.
- Holder of National Scholarship from Ministry of HRD, Government of India.
- DOJ: 03/02/2022
- Nature of association: Contract (Full-Time)
- E-mail: suddhachit.mitra@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/+91 9674757164 (Extn. 115)
- The course assumes a problem-solving approach, in addition to exposing the student to relevant theories, including the mathematics. Naturally, there remains a felt need for implementation of the models that are discussed. To this end, some classes are held in a computer laboratory, where students are exposed to actual problem solving, most typically, when faculty runs R code-snippets on his machine which is projected onto a screen visible to students. Students are encouraged to try out the coding exercises on their own machines.
- Each group in the class is given a project that aims to solve a practical problem in the realm of marketing analytics. This is an innovative component aimed at enhancing problem solving skills of students. A number of cases solved in the class supplemented by a project of this nature is expected to give the student a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter as compared to conventional way of learning.
- Sofi Dinesh KG, Mitra S, Sisodia GS, et al, (2024), “Measuring the consumer’s choice for edible cutlery:” A sustainable lifestyle perspective. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development. 8(6): 4072. https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i6.4072. Scopus Q2 & Web of Science indexed.
- Mitra, S. & Sengupta, A, (2023), “Modeling Diffusion of Agricultural Innovations:” A Comparison of the Bass, Gompertz and Logistic Models. Empirical Economics Letters, 22(9), 29-42. ABDC indexed.
- Dinesh, S., & Mitra, S, (2023), “Consumers’ Adoption of Electric Vehicles for Sustainability:” Exploring the Role of Personality Traits. Foresight and STI Governance, 17(2), 69-80. Scopus Q2. CiteScore: 4.6.
- Mitra, S., Priya, P., & Venkatesh, A (2022), “The Bass Model:” Demand Forecasting for Affordable Housing in India. SAGE Business Cases. SAGE Publications. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529794694.
- Mitra, S., Priya, P., Venkatesh, A., & Biswas, S. N. (2020), “Timely Forecasts of Diffusion of Innovations:” The Bass Model in Emerging Markets. Global Business Review, pp 1-22. DoI: 10.1177/0972150920973492. Scopus Q2 indexed. ABDC indexed. CiteScore 3.1
- Priya, P., & Mitra, S. (2020), “Post-production decisions in agriculture:” Understanding postharvest storage and marketing decisions of smallholder farmers. Food Security. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-020-01044-9. Scopus Q1.
- Mitra, S. (2020), ” An Analysis of the Falsification Criterion of Karl Popper:” A Critical Review. Tattva-Journal of Philosophy, 12(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.12726/tjp.23.1 UGC CARE approved.
- Mitra, S. (2019), “Forecasting the Diffusion of Innovative Products Using the Bass Model at the Takeoff Stage:” A Review of Literature from Subsistence Markets. Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, 8(1), 141–161. https://doi.org/10.7545/AJIP.2019.8.1.141. Web of Science Regional Citation indexed.
- Mitra, S. (2019), “Swachh Bharat Mission:” Towards Better Sanitation and Health of Indians. In Rural Management Cases and Caselets, pp. 32-50. Mahatma Gandhi National Centre for Rural Education. Ministry of Human Resources Development. Government of India.
- Mitra, Suddhachit (2017), “Review of the book Cases in Marketing and Strategy, by Rajiv Joshi. Vision” The Journal of Business Perspective, Vol 21, Issue 1, 105-107. doi: 10.1177/0972262916682137. Scopus indexed. ABDC indexed.
- Mitra, Suddhachit (2017), “Review of the book the VUCA Company, by Suhayl Abidi and Manoj Joshi.” Global Business Review 18(1):270-271. doi: 10.1177/0972150916666970. Scopus indexed. ABDC indexed.
- Mitra, Suddhachit (2017), “Models Used for Forecasting Diffusion of Alternate-fueled Vehicles:” A Review. ASBM Journal of Management, 10(1), 70-80. UGC approved.
- Mitra, Suddhachit, Yadav, Vanita., & Biswas, Saswata (2015), “Child in Need Institute (CINI):” Changing Lives of Homeless Children on Railway Stations. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 4(1), 122-134. Scopus indexed. CiteScore 0.9.
- Mitra, Suddhachit, (2014), “Sustainable Development Through the Shared Value Model of Corporate Social Responsibility.” Vikas Vani, The Journal of Xavier Institute of Management Jabalpur, VIII (1). UGC approved.
- Mitra, Suddhachit (2012), “A Review of Service Quality Research in India.” IMS Management Journal, The Journal of IMS Kolkata, 4 (January), 54-66.
- Mitra, Suddhachit (2017, April), “Frank Bass” A Pioneer of Mathematical Models in Marketing. Network 21(2), 10-13.
- Mitra, Suddhachit (2016, January), “Falsifiability as a Criterion of Demarcation” Network, 20 (1), 13-17.
- Mitra, Suddhachit (2024), Trends in consumer behavior induced by covid 19: insights from India. In “Emerging Business Trends and Management Practices: Lessons from the Pandemic” Taylor and Francis Group. Eds. Prof. (Dr.) Himanshu Rai, Dr. M M Baba & Prof. Mansi Babbar. Hard ISBN: 9781774912454. E-Book ISBN: 9781003331353. Scopus.
- Mitra, Suddhachit (2021), “Electric vehicles in India: charting the future.” pp. 157-162. Интеллектуальный потенциал образовательной организации и социально-эко-номическое развитие региона: сборник материалов международной научно-практи- ческой конференции Академии МУБиНТ. — Ярославль: Образовательная организа-ция высшего образования (частное учреждение) «Международная академия бизнеса и новых технологий (МУБиНТ)», 2021. — 338 с. ISBN 978-5-93002-384-8
- Mitra, Suddhachit (2019), “Swachh Bharat Mission” Towards Better Sanitation and Health of Indians. In Rural Management Cases and Caselets. Mahatma Gandhi National Centre for Rural Education. Ministry of Human Resources Development. Government of India.
- DOJ: 17/03/2023
- Nature of association: Contract (Full-Time)
- E-mail: shivani.saini@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/+91 9674757164 (Extn. 180)
- Saini, S. & Singh, J. (2020). A Link Between Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty of Service Customers. Business Perspectives and Research, 8(2):205-215. https://doi.org/10.1177/2278533719887452
- Saini, S. & Singh, J. (2020). Managing Consumer Loyalty-An expanded model of Consumer Experience Management and Consumer Loyalty. International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 11(1): 21-47. DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.2020010102
- Singh, J., & Saini, S. (2016). Importance of CEM in CRM-CL framework. Journal of Modelling in Management, 11(1): 91-115. https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JM2-05-2014-0038
- Singh, J., & Saini, S. (2016). Managing consumer loyalty through acquisition, retention and experience efforts: an empirical study on service consumers in India. Vision- The Journal of Business Perspective, 20(2):121-134. https://doi.org/10.1177/0972262916637264
- Singh, J., & Saini, S. (2016). Relationship between consumer acquisition efforts and consumer loyalty. Kelaniya Journal of Management. 5(1):1-31. https://doi.org/10.4038/kjm.v5i1.7503
- Singh, J., & Saini, S. (2015). Front-office managers’ perception on consumer-oriented service experiences. AIMA Journal of Management & Research, 9(4/4):1-10. ISSN: 0974-497. https://apps.aima.in/ejournal_new/ArticleDetails.aspx?curr=384
- Saini, S. & Singh, J. (2020). Revolutionizing Business Marketing through Experience Mix: Designing and Managing the Perfect Customer Experiences. India, Chennai: Notion Press. https://notionpress.com/read/revolutionizing-business-marketing-through-experience-mix https://www.amazon.in/dp/1636334652
- Saini, S. & Singh, J. (2020). Drivers of Consumer Loyalty in the Wellness Sector. In P. Ordoñez de Pablos, X. Zhang, & K. Chui (Eds.). Innovative Management and Business Practices in Asia (pp. 98-113). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. https://10.4018/978-1-7998-1566-2.ch005
- Saini, S. & Singh, J. (2018). Cultivating Emotional Branding Through Customer Experience Management: From the Holistic Experience Perspective. In R. Garg, R. Chhikara, T. Panda, & A. Kataria (Eds.). Driving Customer Appeal Through the Use of Emotional Branding (pp. 55-71). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7116-2.ch072
- Singh, J. & Saini, S. Towards customer loyalty through perfect experience mix. National Seminar on New Age Business Drivers, University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh, UT, India, March 28, 2016.
- Saini, S. & Bhatia, L. To brand or not to brand? National Conference on INDIA Inc.-Challenges Ahead, GNA-IMT, Phagwara, Punjab, India, March 12, 2011.
- Saini, S. & Bhatia, L. Coffee: To drink or not to drink. International Conference on Materialism and Consumerism- A Bliss or Bane, PCTE, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, March 26, 2011.
- Saini, S. FDI-Innovation Source of Developing Finance. International Conference on India in The Emerging Order-A Potential Market for World, D A V College, Malout, Punjab, India, Feb. 25-26, 2011.
- Saini, S. Awareness of consumer rights. National Seminar on Consumer Rights Protection in Indian context, M T S M College for Women, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, Dec. 20, 2007.
- Saini, S. Growth of Insurance Industry. National Seminar on Service Sector Challenges and Opportunities in the Indian Context, GGN Institute of Management & Technology, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, May 12, 2007.
- DOJ: 22/05/2023
- Nature of association: Contract (Full-Time)
- E-mail: abhijit.pandit@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/+91 9674757164 (Extn. 172)
- Consumer Behaviour
- Service Marketing
- Business to Business Marketing
- Retail Management
- Sales and Distribution Management
- Brand Management
- Marketing Practices and Implementation
- Marketing Research
- Marketing Analytics
- Strategic Marketing
- Quantitative Techniques
- Research Methodology
- Operations Management
- The students are provided with real-life cases in the subject domain from some authentic databases provided by Harvard, Emerald etc. The students are encouraged to go through these case studies either individually or in groups.
- The students are encouraged to participate in group discussions on these cases and address various pertinent dimensions in these cases like:
- Brief profile of the company (or the entire business sector under consideration)
- SWOT Analysis of company (or the entire business sector under consideration)
- Situational Analysis
- Competitor Analysis
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Challenges and issues faced by the company (or the entire business sector under consideration)
- Theoretical Concepts that can be utilized in the Case Study
- Strategies adopted to address the challenges and issues identified.
- Action Plan and Contingency Plan to overcome the challenges and issues.
- Survival Strategy for the future
- Tentative impact of Action Plan on Stakeholders
- Tentative impact of Contingency Plan on Stakeholder
- Students are encouraged to submit assignments based on all these group discussions as mentioned above.
- Students are encouraged to convert these case studies to role plays and perform these role plays in the classroom followed by interaction with the audience.
- Students are further encouraged to perform Sentiment Analysis with some reviews of customers in various products and services from authentic social media sites. Students are given preliminary exposure on various tools for performing Sentiment Analysis like Python and R. They are further motivated to do some advanced level Sentiment Analysis and Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo Software and make detailed analyses followed by class presentations.
- Quizzes are conducted periodically to assess the progress level of students.
- Students are evaluated based on their assignments, role play activities, group discussions, quizzes and class presentations.
- Pandit, Abhijit, and Pulak Konar. “Computational Simulation Techniques in Inventory Management.” Mathematics in Computational Science and Engineering (2022): 147-165
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781119777557.ch6 - Pandit, Abhijit, and Ramakant Bhardwaj. “Models of Supply Chain Sustainability in Industrial Engineering.” Applications of Advanced Optimization Techniques in Industrial Engineering. CRC Press, 2022. 205-216.
https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003089636-14/models-supply-chain-sustainability-industrial-engineering-abhijit-pandit-ramakant-bhardwaj - Pandit, Abhijit. “Tourism Happiness Index: An Upcoming Global Trend With Special Emphasis on Eastern India.” Global Entrepreneurial Trends in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. IGI Global, 2020. 183-193
https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/tourism-happiness-index/258394 - Chakma, Samar Bijoy, Rishabh Pipalwa, Sabyasachi Mondal, Abhijit Pandit, and Abhijit Paul. “Optimizing Dynamic Ride Sharing with Multiple Objectives.” SN Computer Science 4, no. 6 (2023): 814.
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42979-023-02230-0 - Pal, B., & Pandit, A. (2024). An exploration of the emotions experienced by religious tourists in the state of odisha, india.
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 28(S4), 1-12.
https://www.abacademies.org/articles/an-exploration-of-the-emotions-experienced-by-religious-tourists-in-the-state-of-odisha-india.pdf - Sengupta, A., & Pandit, A. (2024). Application of integer programming problem in industry-optimization of production scheduling in manufacturing. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 27(5), 1-13.
https://www.abacademies.org/articles/application-of-integer-programming-problem-in-industryoptimization-of-production-scheduling-in-manufacturing.pdf - Banerjee, S., Pandit, A., & Mohanti, D. (2024). Antecedents of loyalty in mobile payment services: an empirical study. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 28(6), 1-15
https://www.abacademies.org/articles/antecedents-of-loyalty-in-mobile-payment-services-an-empirical-study.pdf - Paul, R., Roy, P., & Pandit, A. (2025). Decoding the factors for patient satisfaction: Analysing hcahps survey data in selected private hospitals of kolkata. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 29(S1), 110.
https://www.abacademies.org/articles/decoding-the-factors-for-patient-satisfaction-analysing-hcahps-survey-data-in-selected-private-hospitals-of-kolkata.pdf - Sengupta, A., & Pandit, A., Rai, S. (2025). The influence of perceived usefulness on purchase intentions: Insights from consumer behaviour research. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 29(1), 1-20.
https://www.abacademies.org/articles/the-influence-of-perceived-usefulness-on-purchase-intentions-insights-from-consumer-behaviour-research.pdf - Swar, B.N., & Pandit, A. (2025). Assessing Patients’ Satisfaction In Government Homoeopathy Medical Colleges: An Empirical Study. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 29(2), 1-13.
https://www.abacademies.org/articles/assessing-patients-satisfaction-in-government-homeopathy-medical-colleges-an-empirical-study.pdf - Pal, B., & Pandit, A. (2025). An approach to measure price stability and unemployment using an endogenous monetary model in a country of West Asia. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 29(1), 1-17.
https://www.abacademies.org/articles/an-approach-to-measure-price-stability-and-unemployment-using-an-endogenous-monetary-model-in-a-country-of-west-asia.pdf - Study of Environmental Impact Analysis with Geospatial Technique in Newtown, Kolkata, India, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government (P-ISSN: 2204-1990; E-ISSN: 1323-6903),Vol 27, Issue 3, 2021, Page-355-364, DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2021.27.03.049
https://www.cibgp.com/uploads/paper/b23526f4adba6b976d542488e038f136.pdf - Ordinal to Cardinal positional transformation of need hierarchy, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government(P-ISSN: 2204-1990; E-ISSN: 1323-6903),Vol 27, Issue 2, 2021, Page-2853-2872, DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2021.27.02.295, https://www.cibg.org.au/article_10132_a442bfaa0f05d8783aacbcc5ab577913.pdf
- Time-series Models – Forecasting Performance in the Stock Market, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government(P-ISSN: 2204-1990; E-ISSN: 1323-6903),Vol 27, Issue 2, 2021, Page-3758-3766, DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2021.27.02.387, https://www.cibg.org.au/article_10328_295d091e598ca8559f6f9b0b32dd56ea.pdf,
- Assessing the choice of supplementary accommodation for the new normal urban areas in West Bengal, India, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government(P-ISSN: 2204-1990; E-ISSN: 1323-6903),Vol 27, Issue 2, 2021, Page-1413-1420, DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2021.27.02.153
https://cibgp.com/uploads/paper/b685e05de85401c1c384095ed4117c49.pdf - A Study on health issues related to the psychological impact of COVID.” Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Vol 29, no. 01 (2023). DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2023.29.01.04
https://cibgp.com/uploads/paper/17fe252e5a10e30c98e40d5edd4c618e.pdf - “The Scenario of National Thermal Power Corporation Pre and post Disinvestments-A paired t test analysis.” Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Vol 29, no. 01 (2023). DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2023.29.01.044
https://cibgp.com/uploads/paper/ff8ddc40647a287f6612081699efdb66.pdf - “Online Sentiment Analysis with Employee Reviews on Upcoming HR Practices of a Selected Firm” Korea Review of International Studies, Volume 16 Issue 50 September 2023 Vol 29, no. 01 (2023).
https://kristudies.org/volume-16-issue-50-september-2023/ - “A Study On Factors Effecting Employee Engagement In The Banking Sector Of Agartala” Korea Review of International Studies, Volume 16 Issue 50 September 2023 Vol 29, no. 01 (2023).
https://kristudies.org/volume-16-issue-50-september-2023/ - “Studying Consumer Engagement in Context of Online Consumer-Generated Advertising in C2C Marketplace” Korea Review of International Studies, Volume 16 Issue 51 October (2023).
https://kristudies.org/volume-16-issue-51-october-2023/ - Saha, Annesha, Abhijit Pandit, and Susmita Saha. “Financial Performance of Public and Private Sector Banks: A Comparative Study.”, Empirical Economics Letters, 22 (6): (June 2023), ISSN 1681 8997
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8111907 - Bose, Pritam, Abhijit Pandit, and Debabrata Dutta. “Examining the Factors Affecting Consumer Attitudes regarding Internet Shopping: A Case Study in Agartala, India”, Empirical Economics Letters, 22 (Special Issue 2): (September 2023) ISSN 1681 8997 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10015155
- Paul, Rupa, Abhijit Pandit, Rupsha Roy and Subhajit Basu Chowdhury. ” Patients’ Satisfaction of Healthcare Units”, Empirical Economics Letters, 22 (Special Issue 3): (September 2023) ISSN 1681 8997
- Ganesh Chandra Chattopadhyay, & Abhijit Pandit. (2024). The Turnaround of Eastern Coalfields Limited: An In-Depth Study of its Path- Breaking Strategies towards Better Governance for Survival and Growth. Empirical Economics Letters, 23(July Special Issue 1), 329–346. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13685395
- Subhajit Basu Chowdhury, Rupa Paul, Abhijit Pandit, & Sudeshna Chatterjee. (2023). Television Buyers in the Metropolitan City of Kolkata and its Suburbs. Empirical Economics Letters, 22(10), 49–61. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10205367
- Madhubanti Das, Rupsha Roy, & Abhijit Pandit. (2023). Relationship between Community Service and the Social Emotional Growth of a Student. Empirical Economics Letters, 22(November Special Issue 2), 141–157.
- Techniques for analyzing stocks and overall market, including fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and quantitative analysis.
- DOJ: 07/06/2023
- Nature of association: Contract (Full-Time)
- E-mail: vineet.gupta@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/+91 9674757164
- Multiple stakeholder views and Expatriate Adjustment
- Coping with the host environment and Work-Life challenges
- COVID-19 and its impact on the managers
- DOJ: 23/04/2013
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: drsunilgiri@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/9674757164 (Extn. 113)
- Course: – Supply Chain Management (Elective)Supply Chain Beer GameObjective: To let the students understand the bullwhip effect in the supply chain and find solutions to reduce it.Overview: The beer game is intended to make the students understand how entities in the supply chain take decisions to maximize their interest and its impact on the supply chain, Students come to understand distortion in information and backed by the case Barila SPA they are able to devise strategies to cope with such distortion and its impact. In this game no beer is involved nor is the consumption of beer promoted.
- Course: Management of QualityThe Rajma GameObjective: To understand how data is collected for quality control and the variables that contribute to deviation.Overview: Students in groups of 3-4 are given rajma in a box and they have to take out scoops of rajma from the box, count defective rajma (Marked Cross) tabulate the data and prepare control charts.
- Course: Management of QualityThe Real ProblemObjective: To make the students understand how to identify the real quality problem using nominal group techniqueOverview: Students are given problem statement in groups and are handed over the process of nominal group technique, they are able to understand the strength of such technique in working in a group and identifying the causes of the problem statement.
- Course: Management of QualityFind the affinityObjective: To make the students learn the process of creating affinity diagrams and how it can help in converting qualitative data in qualitative data.Overview: Students in a group are given problem statements with Post-it slips and is asked to find out the factors involved and how they are related. This exercise is backed by Samsung’s case which provides customer complaints information. This information is to be converted in the quantitative form with help of affinity diagram and devise a strategy by preparing the Pareto Chart.
- Rai. S.S., Giri. S, “Supplier Selection Trends in Indian Garment Industry”, Research Journal of Social Science and Management, V-4, March 2015.
- “Measuring the Supply Chain Performance in Indian Garment Industry”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, V-3, March 2015
- Bhattacharya. S, Mukhopadhayay. D, Giri. S, “Supply Chain Management in Indian Automotive Industry: Complexities, Challenges and way ahead.” International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chain, V-5, June 2014.
- Bhattacharya. S, Mukhopadhayay. D, Giri. S, “Humanitarian Relief Supply Chain in India: Framework and Challanges”, Journal of Supply Management System, V-2, April 2014
- DOJ: 01/08/2016
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: dc@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164 / 9674757164 (Extn. 136)
- Acquire sufficient practical situation-based knowledge about Project Management
- Apply Project Management knowledge in real-life situations
- Create Projects
- Manage Projects Efficiently
- Acquire Combination of Skills and Tools for Project Management
- Cutting edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) concepts
- Examples and cases where the AI and ML paradigm is useful.
- JK Paper Mills,
- Shigan Quantum Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
- Bank Note Paper Mill India Pvt. Ltd.,
- Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd. (Ministry of Defence), Kolkata
- Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited,
- Shigan Quantum Technology Pvt. Ltd,Gurgaon
- Voltas Limited
- Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd., Vizag Steel, Visakhapatnam
- JK Paper Ltd., Odisha
- Shigan Quantum Technology Pvt. Ltd,Gurgaon
- Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd., Vizag Steel, Visakhapatnam
- Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd, Kolkata
- DOJ: 11/02/2013
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: niharika@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/9674757164 (Extn. 176)
- Industrial relation and Labour Laws
- Talent Management and Competency Mapping
- Human Resource Management
- Organizational Behaviour
- International Human Resource Management
- Corporate Governance and Social Security
- Assigning stretch roles to students: Students are assigned a range of critical roles while being made a part of learning environment of classroom.
- They are not only assigned the role of a learner but also a role of a manager or leader who drives the peer-group learning process while dissecting published cases, developing short cases, delving in hypothetical situations and generating potential solutions. This has unlocked rich reservoir of latent talents within individual when it comes to leadership and managerial roles.
- Role play has been integral part of every HR courses. Thus, the students are deeply involved in playing the role of a script writer before conducting a role-play in the class. In turn, it has been inducing higher level of creativity. Designing a role play script has also sharpened their visionary approach. It also put them through series of reflection that may help them come up with better version of themselves.
- They have been associated with the HR area as a researcher who can provide a deep insight from their work experience to develop a quality paper which is acceptable for publication in competitive journals. The entire exercise has two pronged strategies: developing and shaping research acumen as well as equipping them to increase their research-based solutions. It has made them industry-readymade and formidable player.
- While rolling out projects and live projects of company’ interests, they have successfully demonstrated the role of a project manager by completing the project life cycle that starts from ideation and finishes at execution. This has not only added varied skill sets to their portfolio but also developed their holistic perspectives. This has not only made the learning environment efficient and effective but also has produced huge impact while transferring learnings to the workplace.
- Building ethical and moral identity: All courses of HR involve ethical and moral elements blended with the core topics. Such topic of discussions has been generating not only consciousness and awareness among the students but also set up firm ethical and moral identity of the students. It creates a tremendous impact in building trust with all the stakeholders of the company while having a transformative corporate journey after completing post graduate program.
- Human resource Management
- Industrial Relation and labour laws
- Business Research
- HR Analytics
- Power of Negotiation
- Talent, Mindset and Competency Management
- Intimate Partner Violence funded by ICSSR, Ministry of HRD as a Principal Investigator.
- Gann, N & Mohanty, P. (2019). On Passion & Sustainable Leadership: Personal & Organizational Outcomes in India. Indian Journal of Industrial Relation, 54(3), 541-553
- Gaan, N. (2016). Universal Endorsement of Values and Impact on Employee Engagement. Indian Journal of Industrial Relation, 51(3). [TAYLOR AND FRANCIS DATABASE]
- Gaan, N. & Mohanty, K. (2014). Three Factor Model of Employee Passion An Empirical Study in Indian Context. Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, 39(2), 59-70. IIMA[Science Direct]
- Gaan, N. & Gaan, P. (2014). Is Transformational Leadership Region-Centric in Nature?,” International Journal of Business and Management, 9(8), 41-53 [EBSCO]
- Gaan, N. (2013). Is It justified to sack Pilots?: A Case Study. JGIBS, 4(1), 97-107.
- Gaan, N. (2012). Collaborative tools and Virtual team effectiveness: An inductively derived approach in Indian Software sector. Decision Journal, 39(1), 5-27, IIMC. [EBSCO DATABASE]
- Gaan, N. (2012). Impact of Emotional Labor on Teaching effectiveness: A study in Higher Education in India. Indian Journal of Industrial Relation, 47(4), 673-684. [TAYLOR AND FRANCIS DATABASE].
- Gaan, N. & Bhoon, K. S. (2012 ).Transformational HR Underpinning Success to E2:A Case Study in ACC Concrete. Vilakshan, 9(2), 197-210. [EBSCO DATABASE].
- Gaan, N. (2011). A Revisit on Impact of Job attitudes on Employee Turnover: An Empirical Study in Indian IT Industry. Vilakshan, 2(8), 33-41. XIMB [EBSCO DATABASE].
- Gaan, N. (2011). Mentoring Functions and Outcomes: The Effect of Mentoring Culture and Mentoring Structure. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management, 10(3), 174-184.[PROQUEST DATABASE]
- Gaan, N. (2011). Development of emotional labour Scale in Indian context. Vision-The Journal of Business Perspectives, 15(1), 41-48. MDI. [SAGE PUBLICATION]
- Gaan, N. (2008). Impact of Gender on Job attitudes, Stress and Social support: An Empirical Study in Indian IT Industry. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, ICFAI, 7(4), 34-44. [SSRN]
- An empirical study on Work passion and organizational cynicism in Indian Sector, Personnel Review, (on process).
- Gaan, N. (2017) “Learning Center Vs Corporate University” a case study with teaching note accepted inThe Case Centre,Cranfield University, UK.
- Gaan, N. (2012). Nature of Job Satisfaction among Information System Professionals,LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
- Socio-psychological Perspectives on Community Leadership Development for Self Regulated system” Rural Development in India- Management Aspects, 2007.
- Gaan, N. (2014). Role of Passion in Organizational Cynicism: A Mediating Effect of Sustainable Leader in the Process Model.Managing in Recovering Markets.Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-1979-8_33
- Gaan, N. (2018). Collaborative Tools and Virtual Team Effectiveness: an Inductive Approach in India’s Software Sector in Information Systems: Debates, Applications and Impacts, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
- “Fight Vs Flight” Human Capital Magazine, April issue, 2011.
- “Gender insensitivity: Is bullying adding to the woes?”, Human Capital Magazine, Dec, issue, 2015
- Enabling Corporate Workforce, NIPM Souvenir, Bhubaneswar Chapter, 15th March,2016
- Learning Centers Vs Corporate University, Case Centre, Cranfield University, UK, 2017. It carries registration no / reference no 417-0116-1 and 417-0116-8 respectively.
- Bullying, Passions, and Outcomes in Higher Education: A Phenomenological Study, AHRD, 17th International conference of AHRD in Bangkok 7th-10th Nov, 2018.
- Work passion and Perceived Organizational outcome: A Conceptual Framework, 5th Biennial conference to be held at IIM Indore, Dec, 2017, accepted but not presented.
- On Passion and Organizational Cynicism: A Mediating Effect of Sustainable Leadership in the Process Model of Indian Sector, presented and published in conference proceedings of “Managing Change in Evolving Economic Scenario”, organized by MDIG in collaboration with ASSOCHAM.
- Role of Passion in Organizational Cynicism: A Mediating Effect of Sustainable Leader in the Process Model, Presented in Global Conference on Managing in Recovering Markets “GCMRM” , MDI-Gurgaon and has been considered to be published in Springer.
- Three Factor Model of Employee Passion: An Empirical Study in Indian Context, Accepted to be presented in 3rd Indian Academy of Management, 12-14TH Dec, 2013, IIMA.
- Cross Cultural Dimensions and Employee Engagement: A Study across Globe Presented in 12th IHRM conference,10th to 13th December 2012, hosted by MDI-Gurgaon, Haryana.
- A Case Study of Transformational Leadership Par Excellence, Accepted in the conference called “7th Colloquium on Organizational Change & Development” organized by European Institute of Advanced Studies, 12-15th Sep, 2012, Bern, Switzerland.
- Virtual team effectiveness, presented in Tor Vergata University, European Academy of Management, Rome, May19-22, 2010.
- Mentoring functions and outcomes” Presented in IMR, IIMB, July, 22-24th, 2010
- Development and Validation of Emotional Labour Scale” Presented in ICADBAI, IIMA, June 6-7, 2009 and same got published in the proceedings.
- Knowledge Management: Challenges and Recommendations, Presented in National Conference organized by IBCS, Bhubaneswar, Feb20-22, 2008 and same got published in their journal
- Development of Emotional Labour Scale: A factor Analysis, presented in AIMS International Conference, Indian Business Academy, Delhi, and same to be published in the proceedings, 27-30th Dec, 2008
- Teaching the importance of Culture and interdisciplinary Aspect in Change Management, accepted and published in AIMS International Conference proceedings, IIM Indore, 27-29th Dec, 2006.
- A Revisit on Impact of Job attitudes on Employee Turnover: An Empirical Study in Indian IT Industry was presented in International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, Japan during 11-13th July, 2007.
- Interdisciplinary Reengineering Approach towards effective e-negotiation in Cross cultural context, accepted, Sixth International Conference on Operations and Qualitative Management (ICOQM-VI),IIM Indore on Aug 7-9, 2005
- Effective Decision Making and Management of Technological Innovation for Greater Customer Satisfaction- A Success Story of NALCO, has been published and presented in Fifth International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM-V) campus Hanyang University, Seoul, S. Korea on October 25-27, 2004.
- Managing Intellectual Capital through Strategic Leadership, presented with Shilpa Surana in AIMS International Conference held at IIM Bangalore and published in the proceedings, 28-30th Dec 2003.
- Effectiveness of Integrated Marketing Communication” presented with Darshan Parikh in AIMS International Conference held at IIM Bangalore and published in the proceedings, on 28-30th Dec 2003.
- “High Impact Management and Leadership”. 26th- 28th Dec, 2015 /3 days
- “High Impact Management and Leadership”. 19th – 21st Aug, 2016/3 days
- Life time member of one of the largest association of HR professionals in India “National HRD Network”.
- 5 years membership of largest Psychological Association in India “National Academy of Psychology India”.
- DOJ: 15/11/2024
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: akjain@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/+91 9674757164 (Extn. 131)
- DOJ: 12/04/2018
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: yogita.abichandani@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/9674757164 (Extn. 134)
- Virtual Exchange Program for Cross Cultural Exposure: Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Atmanand, Director MDI Murshidabad, the students of Human Resources Management at MDI Murshidabad had the opportunity to participate in a Virtual Student Exchange Program with the students of Human Resources at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida, USA. The program was directed by Dr. Rimjhim Banerjee Batist of Santa Fe College and Dr. Yogitta Abichandani of MDI Murshidabad. The program started in 2022 & will continue in 2023. This initiative focuses on the design and implementation of a work-integrated learning quality framework that will not only model good practice but will ensure that the most effective learning possible will be achieved through WIL.
- Theatre as a pedagogical tool: Predominantly used in the Organization Behaviour class to dwell upon personalities, emotions and attitudes, peer learning plays a key role. Using theatre as an experiential tool used specifically in the classroom to engage and bring about reflective thinking on a topic. It is blended with theatre forms and techniques to engage the student cognitively and emotionally and thereby bring about greater involvement with the learning process. As a learning-by-doing art form it lends itself to greater retention of the concepts and provides a larger perspective of the concept in a wholesome learning environment.
- Building ethical and moral identity of students: Ethics is two things: First, ethics refers to well-based standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Ethical standards also include those that enjoin virtues of honesty, compassion, and loyalty. And, ethical standards include standards relating to rights, such as the right to life, the right to freedom from injury, and the right to privacy.
- Human Behaviour in Organizations
- Performance Management
- Strategic & Sustainable HRM
- Learning & Development
- Applied Psychology in Management
- Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
- Abichandani, Y., & Babu, V. (2018) Women Leadership in NGO Sector. Women Leadership in South East Asia (Palgrave-McMilan)
- Collins, J. & Abichandani, Y., (2016) Fenced In: Reentry Of Professional Women In The Workforce In India. Advances in Developing Human Resources (Refereed- Invited Paper) (Scimago H Index 17)
- Abichandani, Y. (2011). Sustainability implementation practices in an Indian MNC. PhD Sustainability Academy. Ontario, Canada. Richard Ivey School of Business.
- Abichandani, Y. (2014) Book Review – Jugaad Innovation: Think Frugal, Be Flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth, European Journal of Training and Development, Vol. 38 Issue: 7, pp. 689 – 691
- Abichandani, Y., & Panchamia, J. (2018) Gender Roles & Wage Inequity- Impact of Learned Helplessness and Commitment On Gender Pay Among Female Working Professionals in India.Proceedings of 2018 Conference of the AHRD of Asia. AHRD USA & NIDA. Sukosol, Bangkok, Thailand
- Abichandani, Y., McLean. G., & Desai, A. (2018) Work-related Suicides in India: An Analysis and Recommendations for Human Resources. Proceedings of 2018 Conference of the AHRD of Asia. AHRD USA & NIDA. Sukosol, Bangkok, Thailand
- Panchamia, J., & Abichandani, Y., (2018) Study on Structural – Turnover Intention Relationship Among Sales People in Pharmaceutical Sector in India. Proceedings of 2018 Conference of the AHRD of Asia. AHRD USA & NIDA. Sukosol, Bangkok, Thailand
- Abichandani, Y., McLean, G., Chaudhri, S., & Wang, G., (2018) HRD in India Symposium Proceedings of 2018 Conference of the AHRD of Asia. AHRD USA & NIDA Sukosol, Bangkok, Thailand
- Pandey, S., & Abichandani, Y. (2018) Boundaryless Career and National Human Resource Development. Proceedings at the XLRI Career Development Conference, Jamshedpur, India. XLRI, Jamshedpur.
- Panchamia, J., & Abichandani, Y., (2018) Mediation role of Perceived Organizational Support on Structural Organicity-Turnover Intention Relationship: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Start-ups in India. Proceedings of 2018 Academy of Management Conference Start-Up to Scale up: Coping with Organizational Challenges in a Volatile Business Environment. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, and Tel Aviv University, Tel-Aviv- Israel.
- Abichandani, Y. & Bierema, L.L. (2017) Women Entrepreneurs in Corporate India. The Academy of Human Resource Development Conference- IIM Ahmedabad
- Abichandani, Y., & Germain, M-L. (2015) Work-related suicides in India and in the United States: A comparison analysis and recommendations for human resources. In Proceedings of the 2015 Eastern Academy of Management- Managing in a Global Economy Conference, Peru. Eastern Academy of Management, Lima, Peru.
- Abichandani, Y., Alagaraja, M., & Ghosh, R. (2015) Foundations of Indian Spirituality in HRD. In J. Moats (Ed.), Proceedings of 2015 Conference of the AHRD of Americas. Session 40. St.Paul, MN: Academy of Human Resource Development (Refereed)
- Rosenbusch, K., Chapman, D., Abichandani, Y., & Greer, T (2015). The Faculty Work-Life Balance. The Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, St. Louis, MO
- Abichandani, Y. (2014). Examining the Indian employee suicides from a Critical HRD lens. AAACE CPAE Conference. Charleston, SC.
- Alagaraja, M., Abichandani, Y., Chaudhuri, S., Doshy, P., Ghosh, R., Manikoth, N., & Mclean, G. (2012) Exploring HRD research in India. The Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Virginia, USA.
- Abichandani, Y., & Johnson-Bailey, J. (2011). Examining the Indian farmers suicides with an Environmental Justice Lens. Research Paper – Online Proceedings of the 52nd Adult Education Research Conference and National Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Abichandani, Y., & Dirani, K. (2011). Extending the Critical HRD lens to Social Justice: Examining Indian Farmer Suicides-A Literature Review. Online Proceedings of the 18th Academy of Human Resource Development Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Abichandani, Y., (2011). Finding Environmental and Social Justice – The Indian farmer suicides. The Adult Education Symposium. The University of Georgia Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy. Athens, GA.
- Abichandani, Y., & Dirani, K. (2011). Good Company gets Good Employees: Linking Sustainability and Employee Engagement. Research Paper – Online Proceedings at the 12th International Academy of Human Resource Development Europe Conference. Gloucestershire, UK. Poster
- Abichandani, Y. (2010). NGO Performance in India- Learning Organization in Global South. Poster presented at the Graduate Student Conference, The University of Georgia College of Education Research Conference. Athens, GA.
- Wallin, D. Abichandani, Y. (2010). Adult Education Master’s Program in the United States: A Summary and Overview. Athens, GA. The University of Georgia Department of Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy.
- DOJ: 02/06/2016
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: amritas@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/9674757164 (Extn. 137)
- The Entrepreneurial Finance and Sales Management Course is a newly introduced Course which deals with Marketing and Finance in Startups. Live Projects are part of the Course where the students are connected to real startups. The Start-ups give a problem to be solved. Students prepare a Report which aims to solve the real-life problems related to the startup. Students also come in touch with Entrepreneurs so as to understand concepts in class related to entrepreneurship.
- The Course in Statistics for Management aims students to work on real life data for using data related to variables in real life decision making. For this I have introduced two projects all related to real life problems/topics. They identify relevant variables, collect and analyze data both secondary and primary to interpret them using statistical methods. This helps them understand how data can be used in real life decision making. Also Excel and SPSS is used for analysis of data.
- In the Course in Management Science Models students are required to collect real life data from Campus. They identify problems from real life. They use different quantitative techniques and operation research algorithms to interpret the data they collect. Such real-life decision making helps them practice skills they are required to apply in the industry.
- TVS Electronics Limited, Chennai
- RINL,Vizag Steel
- DOJ: 17/02/2020
- Nature of association: Regular
- E-mail: neeraj.singhal@mdim.ac.in
- Phone: +91 9674727164/+919674757164 (Extn. 175)
- Neeraj Singhal, (2024), “Embedding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Business: A Case Study”, Accountancy Business and the Public Interest, Vol 40, Issue 9, pp 1-12, ABDC, B
- Neeraj Singhal, (2024), “Skills and Competencies, Where Are We? Business Schools Journey Towards SDGs”, Accountancy Business and the Public Interest, Vol 40, Issue 8, pp 66-74, ABDC, B
- Singhal N, Paul P, Giri S, Taneja S., (2024), “Corporate Social Responsibility: Impact on Firm Performance for an Emerging Economy”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2024; 17(4):171. https://doi.org/10.3390/jrfm17040171, ABDC, B, (Scopus Cite Score, 4.6, 2023)
- Neeraj Singhal, (2023), “Stakeholder Value Map for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Prioritization”, Empirical Economics Letters, Vol 22 Special Issue 3, pp 97-105, ABDC, C
- Neeraj Singhal, (2023), “Stakeholders sustainable development goals (SDGs) prioritization.”, Business Strategy & Development, 6(4), 986–990. https://doi.org/10.1002/bsd2.292, (Index in Scopus, UGC Care, Cite Score 5.8, JCR 4.8 2023)
- Neeraj Singhal, (2023), “Sustainable Development Goals Compass (SDG Compass) Strategic Tool for Integrating Sustainability in Silk Industry”, Empirical Economics Letters (Accepted), ABDC, C.
- Neeraj Singhal, Mahendra Kumar Sahu (2023), “Bibliographic coupling, co-word occurrence & co-citation network of “The Journal of Entrepreneurship”: A decadal review”, Empirical Economics Letters (Accepted), ABDC, C.
- Neeraj Singhal (2021), “Leading in a VUCA World: Lessons from Covid-19”, IUP Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 18 Issue 2, pp 49-54 (Ebsco, Referred Journal)
- Neeraj Singhal, Mahajan, R. (2021), “A Framework for Overcoming the Covid-19 Challenges in Dairy Supply Chain”, IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 18 Issue 2, pp 45-58 (Ebsco, Referred Journal)
- Neeraj Singhal (2021), “Coronavirus COVID-19, Financial, Economic, Business (FEB) implications in India: Review and Agenda for Future Research”, MDIM Business Review, Vol II, Issue 1, pp 73-77.
- Neeraj Singhal (2020), “Strategic Responses During Crisis: An Empirical Investigation”, Metamorphosis, IIM Lucknow, Sage Publication, Vol 19, Issue 2, pp 121-128. DOI: 10.1177/09726225211008705, ISSN 0972-6225 (UGC Care).
- Neeraj Singhal, Adhikari, I., (2020), “Industry 4.0 Preparedness in Indian Pharmaceutical Companies: A Review and Agenda for Future Research,” MDIM Business Review, Vol 1, Issue 1, pp 39-45.
- Neeraj Singhal (2020), “An Empirical Investigation of Industry 4.0 Preparedness in India,” Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, MDI, Sage Publication, https://doi.org/10.1177/0972262920950066 (Index in ABDC, C Category, Index in Scopus, Ebsco, J Gate, Proquest, Indian Citation Index, UGC Journal No 32673)
- Neeraj Singhal, Sareen, A., (2018), “Crafting Vision and Mission Statements the Right Way”, European Case Clearing House, 318-0326-1
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H., Mittal, G.(2018), “Importance – Performance Analysis to Identify Effective Learning Approaches for Sustainability in an Indian Business School”, Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, MDI, Sage Publication, Vol 22, No 3, pp 276-283, September 2018 , ISSN 0972-2629 (Index in ABDC, C Category, Index in Scopus, Ebsco, J Gate, Proquest, Indian Citation Index, UGC Journal No 32673)
- Neeraj Singhal, Malik, C., Tiwari, S. (2017), “Antecedents of Consumer Environmental Attitude and Intention to Purchase Green Products: Moderating Role of Perceived Product Necessity”, International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, Inderscience Publication, Vol. 20, Iss. 5-6, pp 259-279, ISSN 1466-2132, (Index in ABDC, C Category (2018), Scopus, Ebsco, UGC Journal No 3007)
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H.(2017), “Framework for Embedding Sustainability in Business Schools: A Review ”, Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, MDI, Sage Publication, Vol 21, No 2, pp 195-203, June 2017, ISSN 0972-2629 (Index in ABDC, C Category , Index in Scopus, Ebsco, J Gate, Proquest, Indian Citation Index, UGC Journal No 32673)
- Neeraj Singhal, Malik, C.(2017) , “Consumer Environmental Attitude and willingness to purchase environmentally friendly products: A SEM approach, Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, MDI, Sage Publication, Vol 21, No 2, pp 152-161, June 2017, ISSN 0972-2629 (Index in ABDC, C Category , Index in Scopus, Ebsco, J Gate, Proquest, Indian Citation Index, UGC Journal No 32673)
- Neeraj Singhal, Suryawanshi, P., Mittal, G.(2017), “Crafting Responsible Management Practices in Business School Learning Outcomes: An Indian Case Study”, Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, MDI, Sage Publication, Vol 21, No 1, pp 46-62, March 2017, ISSN 0972-2629 (Index in ABDC, C Category , Index in Scopus, Ebsco, J Gate, Proquest, Indian Citation Index, UGC Journal No 32673)
- Neeraj Singhal, Malik, C.(2016), Environmental Attitude and Green Purchase Intention of Young Online Consumers: An Empirical Analysis” , Anvesha, Vol 9, No 2,pp 36-43 April-June, 2016, ISSN Number – 0974-5467 (Index in Proquest, Ebsco, UGC Journal No 62588)
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H. (2016), “Environment Sustainability Drivers in Indian Business Schools”, IPE Journal of Management, Vol.6, No1, pp 34-45 Jan-June, 2016, ISSN Number – 2249-9040 (Index in Ebsco, Proquest, Cabell’s Directory, UGC Journal No 43257)
- Neeraj Singhal, (2015), “Case Analysis, Nokia Ltd: Travails of a Market Leader”, Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, MDI, Sage Publication 19(3),pp 286-87, ISSN 0972-2629 (Index in ABDC, C Category , Index in Scopus, Ebsco, J Gate, Proquest, Indian Citation Index, UGC Journal No 32673)
- Neeraj Singhal, Joseph Effiong (2014), “Impact of Green Business Model on Sustainability Management of Indian Corporate Organisations: Review of Issues and Opportunities for Business Growth”, FIIB Business Review, Vol.3, Issue 3, pp 7-19, ISSN 2319-7145, (Index in National Information Centre on Management (NICMAN), VSL, IIM Ahmedabad, UGC Journal No 62831)
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H. (2012) “Global Climate Change and Indian Carbon Market”, Gurukul Business Review, Vol.8, Spring 2012, pp 51-60, ISSN 0973-1466 (Index in Cabell’s Directory, UGC Journal No 47496)
- Neeraj Singhal, Parul Mahajan, (2010) “Impact of Libralization on Indian Banking System”, Metamorphosis, IIM Lucknow, Vol. 9 No.1 Jan-June, pp 16-32, ISSN 0972-6225 (UGC Journal No 48810)
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H. (2009) “India-US Nuclear Deal: A Strategic Step to Reduce Carbon Emission”, Management Trends Journal of Saurashtra University, Vol.6 No.1&2 March & September, pp 99-112, ISSN 0973-9203
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H. and Mahajan, R. (2009) “Sustainable Development Mantra for Corporate Success”, Survey Journal of IISWBM, Vol.49.No.1&2, pp 17-31, ISSN 0586-0008 (Index in Ebsco, UGC Journal No 43040)
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H. and Goel, R. (2008) “Carbon Credit – An Indian Perspective”, Udyog Pragati Journal of NITIE Mumbai Vol.32. No.4 Oct-Dec, pp 23-32, ISSN 0970-3365(Index in National Information Centre on Management (NICMAN), VSL, IIM Ahmedabad)
- Neeraj Singhal (2008), “Rationalizing Agriculture Export Subsidies– A Review”, Gurukul Business Review. Vol.4, pp- 72-74, ISSN 0973-1466 (Index in Cabell’s Directory, UGC Journal No 47496 )
- Neeraj Singhal and Gupta, H. (2007), “Rationalising Subsidies in Indian Agriculture- A Case Study in the Light of WTO’s Mandate”, Apeejay Business Review Vol.8 Issue 1&.2 Jan-Dec, pp-06-19, ISSN 0974-1798 (UGC Journal No 62601)
- Neeraj Singhal and Gupta, H. (2007), “Carbon Credit-Strategy for Global Business”, CMRD Journal of Management Research. Vol.6 No.2 July-Dec, pp-27-34, ISSN 0973-8401
- Neeraj Singhal, Sunil Giri, Pinku Paul, Paroma Mitra (2024), Managing Sustainable Development (Ed.),Bloomusbury India, In Press
- Neeraj Singhal, Biranchi Narayan Swar (2024), Managing Business Strategies through Sustainability, Environment and Transparency (SET) (Ed.),Bloomusbury India, ISBN 9789356405264
- Neeraj Singhal, Sunil Giri, Pinku Paul, Paroma Mitra (2023)Resilience and Sustainable Development (Ed.),Bloomusbury India, ISBN 9789356404137
- Neeraj Singhal, Biranchi Narayan Swar (2023)Reinventing Management through Sustainability, Innovation and Analytics (Ed.),Bloomusbury India, ISBN 9789356403451
- Neeraj Singhal, Biranchi Narayan Swar (2023), Reinventing Management through Sustainability, Innovation and Analytics (Ed.), Bloomusbury India (In Press)
- Neeraj Singhal, Biranchi Narayan Swar (2022), Rethinking Business Agility During Uncertainty (Ed.), Routledge (Taylor & Francis), ISBN 9781032333823
- Neeraj Singhal, Biranchi Narayan Swar, Chetan G K (2021), Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Business Management: Post-Covid 19 (Ed.), Routledge (Taylor & Francis), ISBN 9781032214443
- Neeraj Singhal, (2024), “Managerial Competency Framework for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Integration in Business Schools”, Managing Business Strategies through Sustainability, Environment and Transparency (SET) (Ed.), Biranchi Narayan Swar, Neeraj Singhal, pp 185-192, Bloomusbury India, ISBN 9789356405264
- Neeraj Singhal, (2023), “Sustainable Development Goals Compass (SDG Compass) Strategic Tool for Integrating Sustainability in Business Schools”, Rethinking Business Agility During Uncertainty (Ed.), Biranchi Narayan Swar, Neeraj Singhal, Bloomusbury India (In Press)
- Neeraj Singhal, Mahendra Kumar Sahu (2022), “Industry 4.0 within the Line of Value Chain Management and Sustainability: A Bibliometric Approach from 2017-2021”, Rethinking Business Agility During Uncertainty (Ed.), Biranchi Narayan Swar, Neeraj Singhal, pp 284-291, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), ISBN 9781032333823.
- Neeraj Singhal, Manoj Gour Chintaluri (2022), “Strategic Shift in Bicycle Industry”, Rethinking Business Agility During Uncertainty (Ed.), Biranchi Narayan Swar, Neeraj Singhal, pp 348-361, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), ISBN 9781032333823.
- Neeraj Singhal, Malik, C. Tavleen Kaur(2021), “Understanding Employer Branding Through Sentiment Analysis of Employee Reviews of India’s Best Companies to Work for”, Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Business Management: Post-Covid 19 (Ed.), Biranchi Narayan Swar, Chetan G K, Neeraj Singhal., pp 235-248, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), ISBN 9781032214443.
- Neeraj Singhal, (2021), “Framework for Integrating Sustainability Across Value Chain: An Industry 4.0 Perspective”, Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Business Management: Post-Covid 19 (Ed.), Biranchi Narayan Swar, Chetan G K, Neeraj Singhal., pp 399-409, Routledge (Taylor & Francis), ISBN 9781032214443.
- Neeraj Singhal, Malik, C. Tavleen Kaur (2021), “Effect of Eco-Literacy, Consumer Effectiveness and Perceived Seriousness on Consumer Environmental Attitude: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) Approach”, Environment Impact Assessment (Ed.), K. M. Baharul Islam & Zafar Mahfooz Nomani, pp 53-78, CRC (Taylor & Francis), ISBN 9781003198208.
- Neeraj Singhal, Mahajan, R. (2020), “Framework for COVID-19 Challenges in Dairy Supply Chain”, Ist Rajagiri Management Conference, RMC (2020), October 15-16, 2020, Organised by Rajagiri Busienss School Kochi & Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
- Neeraj Singhal, Adhikari, I., “Industry 4.0 Preparedness in Indian Pharmaceutical Companies: A Review and Agenda for Future Research,” Logistics Conclave and Conference 2019, IIFT, New Delhi, November 19-20, 2019.
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H., “ A Matrix approach for integrating sustainability in management institute with student’s perspective on learning outcomes,”3rd International Conference on Knowledge And Policy For Sustainable Development: Global Lessons And Local Challenges, GGSIPU, September 25-27, 2019.
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H., “Identification of Skill Gap on the basis of Important Learning Outcomes – Effective Method to Approach Education 4.0,”31st AIMS Annual Management Convention 2019, AIMS, New Delhi, August 29-31, 2019, pg 42-50. ISBN No 978-93-84935-59-7
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H., “Assessment of Learning Approaches for Sustainability among two Specific Student Groups in an Indian Business School,”3rd International Conference on Evidence Based Management (ICEBM), Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, February 1-2, 2019, pg 281-284. ISBN No 978-93-86238-65-8
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H., “Effective Learning Approaches for Sustainability in an Indian Business School: International Business Student Perspective,”8th PRME Asia Forum, S P Jain Institute of Management Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai, December 13-14, 2018.
- Neeraj Singhal, Malik, C., “Consumer Environmental Attitude and Willingness to Buy Environmentally Friendly Products: A SEM Approach, International Conference on Excellency in Research and Education (CERE), IIM Indore, May 5-8, 2016.
- Neeraj Singhal, Suryawanshi, P., “Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) A Catalyst for Business School Learning Outcomes: An Indian Case Study,” International Conference on Sustainable Business Models: Innovative Strategies and Practices, Shyam Lal College of Commerce, University of Delhi, March 16-17, 2016.
- Neeraj Singhal, Malik, C., “Consumer Environmental Attitude and Green Purchase Intension: An Empirical Analysis”, Emerging Themes in Strategy, MDI Gurgaon, February 25-26, 2016, Mc Graw Hill Education, pg 197.
- Neeraj Singhal, Malik, C., Tiwari, S. (2015) “Antecedents of Consumer Environmental Attitude in Delhi-NCR: A CFA Approach”, International Conference on Research and Business Sustinability (ICRBS), IIT Roorkee & Sheffield Hallam University, UK, December,4-6, 2015, Excellent Publishing, pg 97-102, ISBN No 978-93-84935-59-7.
- Neeraj Singhal, Suryavanshi, P. (2014) “Impact of Selected Iterations on Student Learning Outcomes in an Indian Business School: A Case Study”, 2nd World Summit on Accreditation (WOSA-2014), National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi, March 8-10, 2014
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H. (2014) “Environment Sustainability Initiatives in Indian Business Schools and Future Managers Perspective” ,International conference on Environment, Technology and Sustainable Development (ETSD-2014), ABV-IIITM, Gwalior, March 2-4, 2014
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H. and Effong, J. (2014) “Green Business Model: Issues, Opportunities And Strategies – A Review ”, Ist AIB India- Mena Conference, IIM Udaipur, February 9-11, 2014
- Neeraj Singhal and Gupta, H. (2012) “Environment Sustainability Initiatives in Indian Business Schools”, International Conference on Contemporary Business, IIT Delhi 19-20 October, 2012.
- Neeraj Singhal and Gupta, H. (2011) “Carbon Credit Currency for Future”, The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change (Ed.), Leal Fiho,Walter, pp 207-226,Springer (Berlin), ISBN 978-3-642-147755-3
- Neeraj Singhal and Gupta, H. (2010) “Global Climate Change and Indian Carbon Market”, International Conference on Empirical Issues in International Trade and Finance, IIFT New Delhi 16-17 December, 2010.
- Neeraj Singhal, Mahajan, R. and Gupta, H. (2009) “ India-US Nuclear Deal : A Strategic Step to Reduce Carbon Emission”, National Conference on Nuclear Power, Power Management Institute, Noida.
- Neeraj Singhal, Mahajan, R. and Gupta, H. (2009) “Sustainable Development Mantra for Corporate Success”, International Conference on Public Policy, IIM Bangalore 9-12 August 2009.
- Neeraj Singhal and Gupta, H. (2008) “Future of Export Trade in India”, published in International conference on Innovation in Redefining Business Horizons, IMTGhaziabad 18-19 December 2008, pp 34-37, ISBN 10: 0230-63716-7
- Neeraj Singhal and Mahajan, R. (2008) “Indian Iron ore Export: A Critical Analysis”, published in International conference on Innovation in Redefining Business Horizons, IMTGhaziabad 18-19 December 2008, pp 566-576, ISBN 10: 0230-63716-7
- Neeraj Singhal and Gupta, H. (2008) “Carbon Credit: Strategic tool for Eco-friendly Environment ”, published in National conference on Green Marketing Emerging Issues in Sustainable Development , IMT-Hankel India, Ghaziabad 25-26 September 2008, pp 247-269, ISBN 8184-24355-3
- Neeraj Singhal and Mahajan, P (2008) “Impact of Liberalization on Indian Banking System”, published in International conference on Management Art and Science, FMS, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar 15-17 September 2008, pp 160-173, ISBN 10: 0230-63643-8
- Neeraj Singhal and Gupta, H. (2008) “Estimation of Ordered Scale Parameter of Two Weibull Populations and its Application in Asset Return for Market”, published in International conference on Global Issues in Business & Technology, National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad July 31-Aug.1 2008.
- Neeraj Singhal, Gupta, H. and Goel, R. (2007) “Go Green for Greenbacks”, published in National conference on Innovation in Management Practices, FMS, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar 10-11 September 2007, pp 92-102, ISBN 10: 0230-63388-9
- Neeraj Singhal and Gupta, H. (2007), “Rationalising Subsidies in Indian Agriculture- A Case Study in the Light of WTO’s Mandate”, International Conference on Agribusiness and Food industry in developing countries: Opportunities and Challenges August 10-12, 2007 at IIM Lucknow.
- One week FDP on “Business Startups and Innovation Management” organized by NITTTR Chandigarh, Recognized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE), June 6-10, 2022
- One Week FDP on “Social Entrepreneurship – Incubation, Promotion and Management” organized by NITTTR Chandigarh, Recognized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE), May 23-27, 2022
- Six Week Certificate Program on “The Paris Agreement on Climate Change as a Development Agenda”, Organized by United Nations System Staff College and United Nations Climate Change, May 16- June 24, 2022
- One Week FDP on “Curriculum Development Processes” organized by NITTTR Chandigarh, Recognized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE), April 25-29, 2022
- One Week FDP on “Data Analytics Using Python” organized by NITTTR Chandigarh, Recognized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE), April 18-22, 2022
- One Week FDP on “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE), June 14-18, 2021
- Global Faculty Development Program (GFDP), Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania, USA, August 3-6, 2020.
- Workshop on Research Methods and Data Analysis, Organised by Rajagiri Busienss School Kochi & Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, October 13-14, 2020.
- 4th International Conference on the theme “Sustainable Development – A Value Chain Perspective” SDVP-24 on 18-20 January 2024.
- International Conference on Changing Business Paradigm (ICCBP 2024), Jan 5-7, 2024.
- 3rd International Conference on the theme “Sustainable Development – A Value Chain Perspective” SDVP-23 on 3-4 February 2023.
- International Conference on Changing Business Paradigm (ICCBP 2023), Jan 5-7, 2023.
- International Conference on Changing Business Paradigm (ICCBP 2022), Jan 21-23, 2022
- International Conference on Changing Business Paradigm (ICCBP 2021), March 19-21, 2021
- Online Certificate Program in Management, Program Director, Jan 8, 2022 – March 19, 2022 (IOCL, Varuna Industry)
- MDP on Business Continuity and Risk Management, Jan 18-20, 2021 (RINL, BEL)
- Dr. Singhal conducted training programs on Growth Strategies, Crafting Strategies for profit and not for profit organizations, Export import procedures and documentation etc.
- Member Curriculum Development Committee, Chaudhary Bansi Lal University (CBLU), Bhiwani, Haryana
- Business Strategy and Development, Wiley
- Cogent Business and Management (T&F)
- Education for Business (T&F)
- Academic Advisory Member, EDII Ahmedabad, March 23, 2022
- IMI Journal of Innovation and Business Management
- Annals of Library and Information Studies
- Environmental Education Research (T&F), ABDC “A”
- Australian Journal of Environmental Education – Cambridge, ABDC, C
- Vision, The Journal of Business Perspective, Sage, ABDC, C
- Academy of International Business, USA
- Alumni IIMA
- Alumni IIM Indore
- Dr. Biranchi Narayan Swar, Dean-Continuing Education & New Programmes (FPM/ Online PGDM/ BBA) and Professor, Marketing
- Dr. Sunil Giri, Chairperson – Accreditation and Ranking and Associate Professor, Operations Management
- Dr. Pinku Paul, Chairperson-Admissions and Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance, Area Chairperson – Finance
- Dr. Paroma Mitra, Chairperson-Student Grievance Redressal and Assistant Professor, Economics
Accounting and Finance
Area Chairperson

Dr. Pinku Paul
Chairperson-Admissions and Associate Professor, Accounting & Finance, Area Chairperson – Finance
Dr. Pinku Paul is MBA, M.Com, PhD. in Business Administration. She is UGC NET qualified. She has over 14 years of teaching and research experience. Her research interest is in the area of behavioural finance, financial services, banking and insurance industry. She teaches subjects like Financial Management, Managerial Accounting and Control, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Project Appraisal, Financial Services, Banking Management and Insurance Management. She has authored several papers, which have been published, in national and international journals. She has also worked as Management Trainer in the World Bank Second India Development Market-Place (IDM) 2007 project on “Capacity Building of Rural Women on Production and Marketing of Cashew Apple Juice”. She has been awarded as Best Professor in Financial Management in 2015 during 23rd Business School Affaire & Dewang Mehta National Education Awards. She is a life Member of Indian Accounting Association.
Course Name: Management Accounting- I (Core)
Project work:
Group Exercise
Course: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (Elective)
Project works:
Group Exercise
Journal Articles and Case Studies:
Chapters in Book:
Primary Members

Dr. Chetan G. K.
Associate Professor- Finance, Chairperson-Students Affairs (also includes Corporate Communications, Alumni Relations, CSR and Hostel & Mess Committees), MDIM Budget & Investment committee.
Dr. Chetan is presently working as Associate Professor – Finance at Management Development Institute, Murshidabad.
He pursued MBA degree in Finance from Karnatak University, Dharwad and holds Doctorate degree in Finance from Jain University, Bengaluru.
He served as Associate Professor of Finance at Kirloskar Institue of Advanced Management Studies (KIAMS), Harihar for six years. He also taught courses of Finance at KIAMS, Pune as part of faculty exchange programme. He worked as lecturer of Finance at Bapuji B-Schools, Davangere for about five years prior joining KIAMS. He also worked as Dealer for Equities and F&O at Kotak Securities Ltd. before joining academia.
He is passionate in teaching finance courses such as: Corporate Finance, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Corporate Valuation, Financial Modeling, Equity Research, and Financial Services.
His broad research interests include Corporate Finance, Equity Valuation and Futures & Options.
He accomplished various certification courses of National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange, Mumbai.
Corporate Finance, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Corporate Valuation, Financial Modeling, Equity Research, and Financial Services.
Trading Strategies:
The course is designed to provide students practical exposure in the field of Technical Analysis of the financial markets. The course is taught by using real-time market data; by accessing the websites such as TradingView.com, ChartInk.com, TrendLyne.com, IntradayScreener.com, RideWinners.com to name a few. Live analysis of stock market data will be done by the instructor while explaining the practical examples of how to analyze the stocks, indices technically. The students will be taught; where to enter the trade, how to fix up stop-loss and targets price on real-time charts. Price action analysis is done using various candlestick patterns, trendlines analysis and volume analysis in the live markets. After that, indicator is added to the chart and based on price action and indicator analysis how to take-up any trade fearlessly will be taught in the live market situation.
The course also gives exposure to the behavioral aspects that may bother the traders while they are in the trades. A group project will be allocated to the students and are expected to work in the groups. Students sit in the sessions as per the pre-determined groups and work together. Faculty will be hand-hold the students during the project and help the students to complete the same successfully.
Financial Modeling:
Financial Modeling is completely MS-Excel based hands on course, where students are taught all the concepts of finance on Excel spreadsheet. Live data of the market will be downloaded from the nseindia.com, investing.com, moneycontrol.com websites for problem solving. Apart from this; students will also make use of databases such as CMIE Prowess and Bloomberg Finance Terminal for downloading the relevant real-time data for solving the class problems as well performing the project.
The following projects are expected to be done by the students of Financial Modeling:
No cases are used in the course as whole of the course is driven by real-time data handling by the students from the above stated databases. Students will be able to address any practical finance problem that may arise in the real life situation when they will be start working in the corporate companies. Students learn the following: deployment of macros, one & two dimensional data-tables, matrix handling capabilities etc.
Corporate Finance-II:
Corporate Finance-II is the continuation of Corporate Finance-I. The course being continuation of Corporate Finance – I, deals with rest of the first principles of corporate finance such as Financing, Dividend and Working Capital decisions. The course also throws light on Financial Markets, equipping students with an ability to understand the primary market and secondary market thoroughly. The whole of the course will be run through various cases of Harvard and Ivey Publishing. Students are assigned with a group and they are asked to present the cases in the classes. The cases presented by the students are thoroughly analysed, crossed verified by the course faculty along with their fellow classmates as well.
Students will be given Bloomberg Terminal Interface assignment. Students are exposed to how to get the data through this assignment.

Dr. Souvik Banerjee
Assistant Professor- Finance, Chairperson-MDIM Case Research Centre (MDIMCRC) includes MDIM Cognos (Research Seminar Series), Research,Library & MDIM Journal(Editor).
Dr. Banerjee has keen interest in research and has presented research papers in many prestigious national and international conferences including prestigious conferences like First Corporate Governance Conference organized by IIM, Trichy, Yale Great Lakes Conference organized by Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai in collaboration with Yale University, the USA, etc. He had chaired a Technical Session in an international conference at IIM, Kozhikode. Some of the research papers are published in Scopus and ABDC Indexed journals. He has published many research papers in referred journals, in India, the UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines. Dr.Banerjee has developed many case studies for class room discussion as well as executive education. He was previously associated with IBS Hyderabad as a faculty member.
Structured Finance, Corporate Restructuring and Business Valuation, Project Appraisal and Finance, Corporate Finance.
Selected Publications
Paper Presented in National/ International Seminars/ Conferences
Was a consultant to a major iron ore mining company
Program Director of Four Day long Management Development Program for Steel Authority of India (SAIL) Executives conducted on 6th – 9th May, 2019.
Secondary Members
Area Chairperson

Dr. Paroma Mitra
Assistant Professor- Economics, Chairperson-Student Grievance Redressal, Anti-Ragging Squad, Area Chairperson (Economics).
Dr. Paroma Mitra is Assistant Professor of Economics. She is also Area Chairperson of Economics, Chairperson of CSR committee, Student Affair and Student Counselling. She did her Ph.D. in Management from NIT Durgapur, MBA from the University of Burdwan and Economics graduate from the same University. She has 20years of experience in management teaching, training and research. Her teaching interests are in the area of Managerial Economics, Macro Economics, Indian Economics and Basic Econometrics.
Her research interest includes consumer behavioural analysis, production functions, Time series analysis and Panel data regression. The areas in which she did her major studies are steel sector, handloom sector, studies related to Murshidabad area etc. She has published several papers in reputed Journals like Indian Economic Journal, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Asian Journal of Political Science, and other reputed journals. She is a reviewer of SAGE Journals and many others.
She has taken training sessions in campus MDP’s conducted for executives/officers of various organizations like LICI, MSTC, FSNL, and WBCS Executive Probationers.
She has a huge inclination towards society development. She has organised with other faculty members many International conferences on Sustainable Development. She also published three books as Editor. She has organised many handicrafts exhibitions to showcase the potential of the artisans of Murshidabad districts of Bengal.
Microeconomics (Term-I)
Introduction: Microeconomics is a core course which is delivered in the Term 1. The course attempts to equip the aspiring managers with an understanding of basic economic principles, theories which have an important bearing on the managerial decision making process of a firm. An application of economic principles to business decision-making would be discussed. This is done by applying microeconomic theory and quantitative methods to managerial decisions making about pricing, production and costs, profit maximization, and governmental restraints.
Faculty Initiatives: The course is delivered through class room teaching, case-study analysis, classroom assignments and home assignment.
As new initiatives, class room games like (ball production game etc.) to teach Law of variable proportion and relation between production and cost theories with real data are applied. To teach the assumptions of theory of market, simulation and role playing (for different topics of types of Market) are also introduces. Along with these many group activities in the classroom are arranged. Different videos are shown to relate few concepts like (Cardinal approach of Utility a video clip from 3 Idiot is shown.) The course evaluation is divided into various parts. Mid Term and End Term which are of 30% weightage. Quizzes are also conducted to taste their knowledge. Some quizzes are conducted in computer lab too.
Real live project which carry also same weightage as Mid-term and End-Term. It covers up the application of theories in practical world. First term project started with “Product wise analysis”. For that, students introduce with different databases like CMIE Industry Outlook, EPWRF, www.rbi.org.in and many others. For analysis of the study students uses statistical software to apply multiple regressions models and demand forecasting tools. In some project they need to do primary research for which they move outside the campus, meets with individual customers, dealers, sellers, farmers, weavers, Tourist of Murshidabad district etc. to collect the data.
Economic, Environment and Policy-I (EEP-I)- Term -II
Introduction: The Economic, Environment and Policy-I is a course in macroeconomic analysis and policy in a globally integrated world. This course is designed to provide a broad overview of the macroeconomic environment in terms of key concepts like output determination, unemployment, inflation and foreign exchange markets etc. The course would also have elaborate discussion on the nature and functions of different markets as well as role of macroeconomic policies.
Faculty Initiatives: The course is delivered through class room teaching, case-study analysis, classroom assignments and home assignment, Simulations to teach multipliers for 2-3-4 sectors of Keynesian models. Videos to clear the concept of Keynesian models, Classical models etc. through movie clips.
The course evaluation is divided into various parts. Mid Term and End Term which are of 30% weightage. Real live project which carry also same weightage. It covers up the application of theories in practical world. For the project students are introduce with different countries central bank databases. Like for India www.rbi.org.in different tables are introduces, databases of EPWRF etc. For analysis of the study students uses statistical software to apply multiple regressions models tools.
In this course, Students also give presentation on various topics of EEP-I group wise.
Economic, Environment and Policy-II (EEP-II) -Term -III
Introduction: EEP-II course provides an understanding of market failures and areas of state intervention, state failures and solutions. In this context a brief analysis of the structural changes in Indian economy due to various reforms are also provided. The knowledge of Indian economic policies that affect business operations in India is important for a business manager. Along with the Indian economy analysis, country examples in the context of globalization is also discussed in details. Overall, this course structure provides a better understanding in the application of Microeconomic and Macroeconomic theories and concept to the various socio- economic issues of various countries of the world. Thus, the economic environment under which the companies operate can be better comprehended with the knowledge of various economies of the world.
Faculty Initiatives:
The course is delivered through class room teaching, case-study analysis, real-life data analysis of various Indian economic data of various sectors. In class room teaching also, data from economic survey and other sources are used to give them a real scenario of Indian Economy.
The project is divided into two parts. In Part -I they take up any one sector of Indian economy. Make a comparative analysis with another country (doing the best in that sector) like (agriculture, Service, Manufacturing etc). They use RBI databases, economic survey, sector wise ministry databases, world economy data other country’s databases etc. They analyse the government initiatives and also suggestion to government. In Part–II project Group discussion are organised by students for students. There they discuss latest topic of Indian Economy and world economy.
Journal Publications:
Chapters in Books:
1. Conducted training program for FSNL executives at FSNL Head office, Bhilai.
Secondary Members
Information Management and Business Analytics
Area Chairperson

Dr. Bikramjit Pal
Assistant Professor – Information Management, Chairperson-Digital Infrastructure ,ERP Implementation and Centre for Al and ML.
Early Life and Education
Dr. Bikramjit Pal has established himself as a prominent figure in the field of engineering and technological studies, particularly within academia. His academic journey began with a profound interest in engineering, which led him to pursue advanced studies and research in the field. Dr. Pal earned his PhD in Engineering from the Department of Engineering and Technological Studies at the University of Kalyani, where he laid the groundwork for his future contributions to academia and industry.
Academic and Professional Career
Dr. Pal’s association with academia spans more than 25 years, during which he has served in various capacities, including faculty member, project trainer, and researcher. His extensive experience and dedication have significantly impacted the institutions he has been associated with, particularly MDI Murshidabad, where he is currently a faculty member. In this role, he is responsible for imparting knowledge and mentoring students in cutting-edge areas of engineering and technology.
Research and Publications
Dr. Pal’s research interests are diverse and encompass critical areas such as Cyber Security, Big Data, Machine Learning Applications, and Cloud Computing. His work in these domains has led to numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals of international repute, showcasing his contributions to the advancement of technology and engineering. Additionally, he has presented his research findings at various international conferences, further establishing his presence in the global academic community.
Awards and Recognitions
In recognition of his outstanding contributions to academia and research, Dr. Bikramjit Pal was honoured with the “Distinguished Assistant Professor Award” by the Computer Society of India, Mumbai Chapter, in 2017. This prestigious award highlights his excellence in teaching, research, and his commitment to advancing the field of engineering.
Contributions to Academia and Industry
Dr. Pal’s contributions extend beyond teaching and research. He has been actively involved in training projects, providing guidance and expertise to both students and professionals. His ability to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application has made him an asset in the field of engineering education.
Research Areas
Personal Life
Dr. Bikramjit Pal is known for his dedication to continuous learning and professional development. Outside of his professional commitments, he enjoys reading and staying updated with the latest advancements in technology. His passion for education and research is reflected in his teaching style, which inspires and motivates his students to excel.
Innovations in Pedagogy
The following innovative measures has been included in the pedagogy for the Information Management courses.
Secondary Members
Area Chairperson

Dr. Biranchi Narayan Swar
Dean-Continuing Education & New Programmes (FPM/ Online PGDM/ BBA) and Professor, Marketing
Dr. Biranchi Narayan Swar is M.A. (Economics), MBA (Marketing) and Ph.D (Marketing of Services). He was ranked 3rd in order of merit in B.A (Economics) and M.A. (Economics) in the University Examination. Dr. Swar has been awarded the National Scholarship from Ministry of HRD, Government of India. He is an alumnus of IIM, Indore and has more than 18 years of rich teaching, research and industry experience in reputed organizations. His areas of expertise in teaching are Marketing of Services, Sales and Distribution Management, Customer Relationship Management, Product and Brand Management, and Marketing Analytics and Intelligence etc.
His research interests include shoppers’ buying behavior, online retailing, service quality and branding. He has published more than 30 research papers in various Scopus and ABDC listed Journals. He has guided Ph.D Scholars and presented research papers in more than 65 scholarly and professional conferences organized within (Only in IIMs or at par) and outside India. He has got the best paper awards for his contribution to the research in various conferences. He is the reviewers and in the editorial board of the various peer reviewed Journals. Globally, his total research interest score is higher than 82% of the researchers in the area of Marketing as per ResearchGate, Germany.
He has academically associated with the association like AIMS International (Association of Indian Management Scholars), and Academy of Marketing (U.S.A) etc. Dr. Swar conducted various MDP/EDPs in the area of marketing like (How to create a service excellence organization, Advanced data analysis for effective marketing decisions, How to boost your Sales, Managing products and brand building strategies for Organizational Growth etc.) for the corporates like IOCL, HUL, Sony, RINL, NALCO, Voltas, Bosch, OYO, Birla Tyres, Union Bank of India, Emami Papers Ltd, John Distilleries and many more. Has undertaken various Consultancy and Project works of reputed Companies as well.
The Marketing Analytics (MKA) course is a newly introduced course in the area of Marketing. This year (2023-24), I shared this course with Dr.Mitra. The course introduces the student to various models, tools, and analytical tools in diverse areas of marketing, such as Pricing, Retail, Customer Analytics, and the like.
The Marketing of Services (MOS) course is an elective we teach in term 4 in the area of Marketing. As a part of the course, I ask the students to prepare (really, they prepare in the class and there is always a great learning when they do it) a service blueprint and after working on the same project they need to submit for evaluation. This is something different I do in my MOS sessions.
A Study on Service Quality Delivery and Customer Satisfaction in Indian Retail Banks” (Funded by Symbiosis International University, Pune).
Conducted MDPs and Executives training for companies like NALCO, RINL, HUL, John Distilleries Pvt.Ltd, Hero Motocorp, Birla Tyres, Emami Paper Mills Ltd etc.
Association of Indian Management Scholars (AIMS International), IIM Indore.
Primary Members

Dr. Suddhachit Mitra
Assistant Professor- Marketing, Associate Editor MDIM Journal.
Dr Suddhachit Mitra is a Fellow of the Institute of Rural Management Anand [IRMA Anand]. His research interests lie in the area of the Diffusion of Innovation theory, and the Bass Model of diffusion of new products. In a broader sense he is interested in Consumer Behavior, Marketing Models and Analytics, Rural Marketing, Social Marketing, and the Philosophy of Sciences. Besides winning Best Paper awards and research grants, he has published in Scopus-indexed and ABDC journals, as well as management cases with reputed publishers.
He has taught courses such as Marketing Planning, Marketing Practice and Implementation, Rural Marketing & Management, Product Management, Brand Management, Marketing Analytics, and Advertising Management.
The Marketing Analytics (MKA) course is a newly introduced course in the area of Marketing. This year (2023-24) the course is being taught by two instructors: Prof Biranchi Narayan Swar and Dr Suddhachit Mitra. The course introduces the student to various models, tools, and analytical tools in diverse areas of marketing, such as Pricing, Retail, Customer Analytics, and the like.
Besides winning Best Paper awards and research grants, he has published in Scopus-indexed and ABDC journals, as well as management cases with reputed publishers.
Peer-Reviewed Entities
Book Chapters (Peer Reviewed)
[Intellectual potential of an educational organization and socio-economic development of the region: a collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference of the Academy of MUBiNT. – Yaroslavl: Russian Federation. Educational organization of higher education (private institution) “International Academy of Business and New Technologies (MUBiNT)”, 2021. – 338 p. ISBN 978-5-93002-384-8]
He was a part of an institution-based consulting team with a steel major and an NPO. He has worked as a Senior Consultant to a financial inclusion project.
He has worked as a Resource Person in the Management Development Program (MDP) aimed at officers of the Rajasthan State Govt., Life Insurance Corporation of India, TVS etc. He has been a Program Director in a Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Analytics (Regression & R-Programming) and was a Program Director in an FDP on Management Case writing.

Dr. Shivani Saini
Assistant Professor, Marketing
Dr. Shivani Saini is an Assistant professor in the Marketing Area at the Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad. She is MBA (Hons.), Ph.D. in Business Management, and UGC-NET qualified. She holds a doctorate degree in marketing from Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar. Dr. Shivani has over six years of teaching experience in renowned management and engineering institutes. Prior to MDI, Dr. Shivani worked with the NIT, Jalandhar, Lovely Professional University, and the institutes affiliated with I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University and Panjab University.
She has authored various national and international publications in the ABDC, ABS, Scopus, EBSCO, ProQuest, ESCI, J-Gate, UGC-CARE, and ICI Indexed journals. She has also published a book on Customer Experience Management. Dr. Shivani has presented many papers at reputable national and international conferences and attended faculty development programs organized by the Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida, and University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
She teaches the core and elective courses in Marketing Area.
My teaching pedagogy involved a mix of traditional lectures, modern teaching methodologies, new-age technologies, and applied practice. I structure my classes to achieve the course outcomes with a detailed plan, lectures, case studies, live projects, demonstrations, and cooperative learning to engage students and support their learning. I foster critical thinking and application skills in the teaching of marketing electives.
Application of ZMET in Consumer Behaviour
The live project Application of ZMET in consumer behaviour based on Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) developed by Gerald Zaltman is designed for post graduation students to impart knowledge about the consumers unconscious behaviour. The project has been run through five phases. In every phase, the students have been instructed to perform on certain parameters like the selection of brands, collection of images, understanding of the ZMET technique, and application of the ZMET in real-world products or services.
Technology Integration in Teaching
I always prefer to utilize technology for enhancing instructions, inculcating online resources, and interactive activities that enhance students’ engagement and retention. The use of online teaching platforms like Moodle and Zoom promotes interactive learning and structured evaluation. Communicating and supervising students in continuous course activities, quizzes, cases, assignments, and projects in offline/online settings ensures academic excellence and practical orientation. These technologies help me to monitor students’ progress and provide individual feedback resulting in improved student behaviour and achievement.
Research-based Learning Practices
To offer diversity and depth of courses, I facilitate research-oriented assignments and course of independent study in the marketing discipline. An understanding of contemporary issues in marketing and consumer behaviour enhances students’ employability in a real-world business environment.
Research Papers
Book Chapters
Conference/Seminar Proceedings
Dr. Shivani Saini has imparted training in the programs organized by NITTTR, Chandigarh.

Dr.Abhijit Pandit
Assistant Professor- Marketing, Associate Editor MDIM Journal.
Dr. Abhijit Pandit had been awarded M.Sc., M.B.A.(Marketing), Ph.D. (Marketing), MIMA, IIMCW. He has more than 18 years of full-time teaching experience along with 11 years of post-PhD experience. He takes keen interest in philanthropic activities. He has actively participated in more than 15 workshops/faculty development programs. He regularly presents research papers in international and national conferences of repute. In six such conferences and webinars he was invited to deliver keynote lectures. He has won best paper awards in 4 such conferences. He is an active life-time member of various professional organizations. He has published several research papers in reputed journals consisting of 5 SCOPUS, 7 ABDC-B and 15 ABDC-C Publications along with 10 Books, 9 Book Chapters and 6 Patents. He has thorough knowledge of computational techniques necessary for advanced research. He has been teaching various subjects in PhD, Post-Graduation as well as Graduation Levels at ICFAI University, Tripura, Amity University, Kolkata, MAKAUT (formerly West Bengal University of Technology), West Bengal Health University. He has guided PhD Scholars. One PhD scholar has submitted PhD Thesis and awaiting to be awarded with PhD in Business Management.
Course Name: Sales and Distribution Management (SDM)
Students are encouraged to engage themselves in various educational activities for strengthening their knowledge base in the subject area as well as find appropriate opportunities to utilize these resources in the practical domain. The various such activities undertaken in the domain of Sales and Distribution Management are as follows:
SCOPUS Publications
ABDC (B) Publications
ABDC (C) Publications
Book / Book Chapter Publications
S. No | Title | Author’s Name | Publisher | Year of Publication |
1 | Beliefs, Attitudes and Motivation that affect Marketing of Forest Honey(ISBN : 978-3-330-04987-1) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING (GERMANY) | 2017 |
2 | Betterment of Healthcare Facilities Leading to Patient Satisfaction(ISBN : 978-3-330-08719-4) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING (GERMANY) | 2017 |
3 | Human and Social Thermodynamics(ISBN : 978-620-2-00487-9) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING (GERMANY) | 2017 |
4 | Sustainability Model to favour Healthcare Enrichment(Part of ISBN : 978-952-216-704-0) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland | 2018 |
5 | Sustainable Development andEcotourism Consciousness: An Empirical Analysis for Kallakurichi, Tamil Nadu, India (Part of ISBN : 9781522584940) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | IGI Global, USA | 2019 |
6 | An Integrated Approach to Services Marketing Theories and Research Insights(ISBN : 978-8194211099) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | Eureka Publications | 2019 |
7 | Anthropological Applications of Human Thermodynamic Concepts(ISBN : 978-1522597360) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | IGI Global, USA | 2020 |
8 | A Treatise on Consumer Research(ISBN : 978-93-87229-59-4) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | ABS Books, Delhi | 2020 |
9 | The Future of Healthcare Leadership(ISBN : 978-93-89116-48-9) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | Research India Publications | 2020 |
10 | Millennial Consumer Trends and Their Impact on the Global Economy(ISBN : 978-1799844297) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | IGI Global, USA | 2020 |
11 | The Corona virus Pandemic : Its Impact on People(Part of ISBN : 978-81-946666-4-6) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | Eureka Publications | 2020 |
12 | Tourism Happiness Index(Part of ISBN : 978-1-7998-2603-3 ) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | IGI Global, USA | 2020 |
13 | Mathematical Modeling using Fuzzy Logic (ISBN : 978-1138390485) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | CRC Press /Taylor & Francis | 2021 |
14 | Discrete Mathematics (ISBN: 978-93-85145-16-2) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | Shabd Offset Private Limited, Bhopal | 2023 |
15 | Artificial Intelligence – Texts and Cases (ISBN: 978-81-19708-07-9) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | ABS Books | 2023 |
16 | Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity (ISBN: 978-81-979969-2-4) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | Indo-Continental Academic Publishers | 2024 |
17 | Digital Transformation Strategies(Part of ISBN: ISBN:9789361312397) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | Bloomsbury | 2024 |
18 | E-Commerce Growth and Trends(Part of ISBN: ISBN:9789361312397) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | Bloomsbury | 2024 |
19 | Technology Acceptance in Online C2C Marketplaces: A Comprehensive Analysis(Part of ISBN: ISBN:9789361312397) | Dr. Abhijit Pandit | Bloomsbury | 2024 |
Published India Patents in Patents and Design Journal. Titles of the Patents are:
Papers Presented at Conference
S. No. | Co-authors | Year | Title of Paper | Conference | Organised by. |
1 | Nil | 2012 | Beliefs, Attitudes and Motivation that Affect Marketing of Honey | International Conference on Contemporary Innovative Practises | Pacific Academy of Higher Education, Pacific University |
2 | Nil | 2016 | Leadership Competency Model leading to business growth | International Conference on Sustainable Business Models | Department of Commerce, Shyamlal College, University of Delhi |
3 | Nil | 2016 | Emerging Challenges in Healthcare Services-An Introspective Study | National Conference | T. John Institute of Management and Science, Bangalore University |
4 | Nil | 2017 | E-commerce Competitive Advantage in Healthcare from Indian Perspective | International Conference on Marketing | SIESCOMS, Mumbai |
5 | Nil | 2017 | Analysis of Service Quality of Hospitals-A Case Study of Kolkata | Global Marketing Conference | Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai |
6 | Nil | 2017 | Betterment of Healthcare facilities | International Conference | Management and Allied Courses, Amity University, Kolkata |
7 | Nil | 2017 | Defining privacy and regulatory concerns in sharing economy | National Conference(7th IBS Conference on Marketing and Business Strategy) | ICFAI Business School, ICFAI University,Hyderabad |
8 | Nil | 2017 | Theory of Planned Behaviour in Consumer Consumption Decision | 2nd Regional Science and Technology Conference(Southern Region),2017 | University of Kalyani and Department of Higher Education, Science and Technology and Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal |
9 | Nil | 2017 | Development of a Mathematical Model to study Consumer Psychology | 27th Annual Conference of National Academy of Psychology(NAOP), 2017 (December 22-24,2017) having theme “Psychology of Millennials” | IIT Kharagpur |
10 | Nil | 2018 | Probable Environmental Impact Analysis through change in land-use pattern and urbanization by Geospatial Technique : Case of Rajarhat and its surroundings | 4th International Seminar on “Population, Urbanization and Environment: Contemporary Issues and Challenges | Department of Geography, University of Gour Banga |
11 | Nil | 2018 | Impact of Ecotourism in Preserving Bio-cultural Diversity and Facilitating Sustainable Development | National Conference on Contemporary Management Practices (NCCMP 2018) | Army Institute of Management, Kolkata |
12 | Nil | 2018 | Role of Personality in Shaping Attitude towards Clean India Mission: A Case Study of Kolkata(India) | National Conference on Contemporary Management Practices (NCCMP 2018) | Army Institute of Management, Kolkata |
13 | Nil | 2018 | Adaptive and Maladaptive Perfectionists: Do they use different Conflict Management Strategies | National Conference on Contemporary Management Practices (NCCMP 2018) | Army Institute of Management, Kolkata |
14 | Nil | 2018 | Mathematical Modelling of Consumer Behavior in Honey Marketing | Two-day International Seminar on “Rethinking Modernity : Interdisciplinary Perspectives | Department of English, Aliah University |
15 | Nil | 2018 | Gap Model- A Case Study Based on Health Care Sector | International Conference on Sustainability Development-A Value Chain Perspective, SDVP-18 | Management Development Institute(MDI),Murshidabad |
16 | Nil | 2018 | Use of Geospatial Technique to study Environmental Impact Analysis in Newtown, Kolkata, India | International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Management” | International Organization of Scientific Research and Development (IOSRD) |
17 | Nil | 2018 | Evaluation of Teaching of Private Universities of Kolkata by students with the help of Structural Equation Modeling | 3rd Regional Science and Technology Congress (Southern Region) | Bidhannagar College, Govt. of West Bengal and Dept. of Science and Technology and Bio-Technology, Govt. of West Bengal |
18 | Nil | 2019 | Mediating role of coping mechanism in teacher perceived Stress and teacher-student relationship | National conference on Collaborative Health Science – Visions for the future | NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata |
19 | Nil | 2019 | Probable Mathematical Modelling in HRM for future generations | International HR Conference on “HR Trends 2030” | Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management(IISWBM) |
20 | Nil | 2019 | Development of Mathematical Decision Making Models in Human Resource Management | Annual National Conference on Contemporary Issues, Challenges and Developmnents in Commerce and Management | RNB Global University,Bikaner., Rajasthan |
21 | Nil | 2019 | Probable Determination of level of Professional Happiness and Depression in Private Sector Working Professionals of Kolkata | 1st National Conference on Recent Advancement in Depression Management | Sri Healthcare –Research International and Indian Academy of Health Psychology |
22 | Nil | 2019 | Probable scale to determine Professional Happiness using Content Analysis and Factor Analysis : A Case Study of Private Sector Working Professionals of Kolkata | 2nd International Workshop – The Science of Happiness- Happiness and Wellbeing : The Road Beyond | Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness- Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur |
23 | Nil | 2019 | A Supply Chain Analysis of Organic Farming in Indian Context | Two day National Conference on Paradigm Shift in the Market Forces in Indian Context- Impact on Marketing, Accounting and Finance,Strategic HRM, Operations and Supply Chain Management. | The Bhawanipur Education Society College in collaboration with IISWBM. |
As a Trainer for ANANDADHARA (West Bengal State Rural Livelihood Mission) (WBSRLM) program imparted training to Self Help Group (SHG) members in West Medinipur and GTA.
S.No | Name of Award | Awarding Agency | Year |
1 | Fellow Member | International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) | 2021 |
2 | Fellow Member | Green ThinkerZ | 2021 |
3 | Lifetime Member | All India Management Association | 2020 |
4 | Lifetime Member | Calcutta Management Association | 2020 |
5 | Lifetime Member | Operational Research Society of India | 2017 |
6 | Lifetime Member | Calcutta Mathematical Society | 2018 |
7 | Lifetime Member | International Association of Engineers | 2019 |
8 | Lifetime Member | Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors | 2020 |
9 | Lifetime Member | Indian Institute of Mother and Child Welfare | 2020 |
10 | Senior Member | Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors | 2020 |

Dr. Vineet Gupta
Assistant Professor, Marketing
Dr. Vineet Gupta is the Assistant Professor at the Management Development Institute, Murshidabad. Previously, he taught at the Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Bengaluru. Dr. Vineet earned his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi (2016). He has published in several national and international conferences and journals. He is part of research projects funded by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, GAIL, and more. As Program Director, Prof. Gupta has taken up the challenge to help students progress in each area of life. Dr. Gupta has been essential in organizing seminars, conferences, faculty development programs, and workshops.
Dr. Vineet believes students should be involved in teaching by discussing corporate challenges. His attention is encouraging students to understand management using scientific methods. Dr. Vineet has been teaching business management with the help of case studies and innovative pedagogies. He has helped to guide how to solve the internationalization aspects of the entrepreneurial firm. While providing access to virtual teams, Dr. Gupta has allowed 400+ participants to learn the nuances of expanding business worldwide. He has taught courses in Marketing, International Business, Global Environment, and Transnational corporation.
The summary of Dr. Gupta’s research involves the expatriate adjustment process in India. The study may interest MNCs, expatriates, Human resource managers, and host country nationals. His impending study will extend the current findings and fill the gap in the International Business domain. Short-term and long-term Business Management projects include: –
Prof. Gupta has done projects about Italian FDI in India and India-ECOWAS trade. He is enthusiastic about his upcoming projects on the role of corporations in removing social issues in India. Making cultural norms the basic structure Prof. Vineet is keen on the virtual team’s performance affected by national values.
Prof. Vineet holds Case writing workshops, conferences, and Faculty/Management Development Programs. He actively participates in the Academy of International Business (India chapter) and the Indian Academy of Management programs.
Prof. Vineet is an active Academy of International Business and UNCTAD virtual institute member. He was also a member of the European Academy of Management (2021).
Secondary Members
Operations Management
Area Chairperson

Dr. Sunil Giri
Associate Professor- Operations Management,Chairperson – Accreditation and Ranking,Centre for Agri-Business & Food Processing.
Dr. Giri is B.Tech (Electrical Engineering) MBA and PhD in Supply Chain Management. He has handled various position like Director, School of Business, Member Academic Council, Chairman Board of Studies (SOB), Chairman MDP & Consulting (COM) at SMVD University. He is associated with various Universities in various capacities. He is having 14 years of rich experience in management teaching, training & consulting and research. His research interest is Sustainable Supply Chain, QR Logistics, Humanitarian Logistics, Supply Chain visibility, Lean manufacturing, Quality Management. He offers Courses and sessions on the topic like operations Management, Supply chain Management, Global Logistics, Supplier Relationship management, Supply chain modeling ,Benchmarking both for academic and training mode. He has taken training session in campus and in company MDP’s conducted for executives/officers of various organizations like SAIL(CMO),Berger Paints, Cedilla Pharmaceuticals, Hindustan Co-Co Cola, Lupin , Intex, Waterhealth, United phosphorous, Sarveshwar Overseas, Indian Forest Service (IFS) Officers to list a few. He has taken up various Projects and consulting to Intex Technologies, BPRD, AICTE, JKSERC. He has guided various Ph.D Scholars and had in his name publications in national and international Journals.
Academic Consulting for IIFT Kolkata for the academic session 2020-21 for the following courses:
1) Advance Supply Chain Management
2) Operations Management
Primary Members

Dr. Debasis Chanda
Dean-Academic and Professor, Operations Management
Dr. Debasis Chanda holds PhD (Engineering) from Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jadavpur University, PGDBM from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC) and BE (Electrical) from Jadavpur University. He brings in twenty plus years of cross-functional experience in the Information Technology industry and 5 plus years of experience in the Engineering Industry. He is also certified as an Enterprise Architect by The Open Group (TOGAF).
Prior to joining MDIM, Dr. Chanda played the role of Principal Architect – Consulting specializing in Business-Technology Consulting in Cognizant Technology Solutions at Associate Director Level. His functional expertise also includes Strategy Consulting and Brand Building. He is a former Associate Professor at IIM Shillong.
Dr. Chanda’s Industry expertise includes Government, Banking, Insurance, Communications, Media & Entertainment, Manufacturing & Logistics, Retail, Publishing, Pharma & Life Sciences. He has Global Business exposure – Continental Europe, USA, APAC, Middle East and India.
Project Management: Introduce a strategic, system perspective on the management of projects by means of Case based, Hands-on usage of the MS Project tool. This enables the student to:
AI & ML: Algorithms based AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) course based on
Date | Name of the MDP | Clients |
01st- 02nd September, 2023 | Leading and Managing in the 21st Century | Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE) |
09.06.2021 to 11.06.2021 | Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
22.01.2021 to 23.01.2021 | MS Project Tool based Project Management Programme |
27.11.2020 to 28.11.2020 | Effective Lean Management in Manufacturing Industry |
28.09.2020 & 29.09.2020 | Robust & Lean Supply Chain Management |
22.11.2019 to 24.11.2019 | MS Project Tool Based Hands on Project Management Program | Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE) |
01.07.2019 to 04.07.2019 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
03.06.2019 to 06.06.2019 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
06.05.2019 to 09.05.2019 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
04.03.2019 to 07.03.2019 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
07.01.2019 to 10.01.2019 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
10.12.2018 to 13.12.2018 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
27.08.2018 to 29.08.2018 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
06.08.2018 to 08.08.2018 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
02.07.2018 to 04.07.2018 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
11.06.2018 to 13.06.2018 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
Area Chairperson

Dr. Niharika Gaan
Assistant Professor- Human Resource Management, Chairperson-Continuing Education, Area Chairperson (OB and HR).
Dr. Niharika Gaan holds PhD in Management from the Institute of Management, Nirma University of Science and Technology. She has been associated with corporate and academia in variety of role including faculty, practitioner, trainer, researcher, and consultant with a span of 18 and half years majorly in the area of HR. Her areas of expertise in teaching are Industrial relation and Labour Laws, Talent, Mindset and Competency Management, HR Analytics, Power of Negotiation, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviour, Training and development and International Human Resource Management. Her international collaboration has culminated in publishing papers in top-tier competitive journals which carry high impact and citation scores such as International Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, International Journal of Bank Marketing, European Management Journal, Current Psychology, and Telematics and Informatics R. She has presented papers in international conference of reputes such as European academy of management, Asian academy of management, and got her paper accepted in conference organized by FT 50 journal ‘Human Relation’.
She has handled independently a sponsored research project on Intimate Partner Violence funded by ICSSR, Ministry of HRD as a Principal Investigator. She is a certified trainer too on psychometric test (Carlton Advanced Management Institute, Canada) and competency management, IIT Kharagpur. Her area of expertise in the areas of training program cover wide range of topics like conflict management, art of delegation, motivation, change management, business communication, negotiation, boundary spanning leadership, team building, leadership and employment laws and POSH. Sha has experience to handle training sessions for general managers and mid-level managers of PSUs such as NALCO, NCL, ECL, Powergrid, HPCL, MSTC, LIC, IOCL, NTPC, SAIL, Balmer Lawrie and so on. Her prominent consulting assignments are associated with NALCO, HPCL and Balmer Lawrie in the area of leadership, labour laws and codes respectively. Currently, she is pursuing a major project on “ Evidence-Based Exploration of Psychological Need Satisfaction and Mental Health Outcomes: Role of Coping Mechanism and Digital Mental Health Interventions among Gen Z in Maharashtra” of 20 lakhs which has been awarded by ICSSR, Government of India under the scheme of Vision Viksit Bharat@2047.
Area of Specialization:
There is plethora of initiatives that were taken up to create an innovative and inclusive class-room environment. Some of them are listed below:
Research project:
Book Chapter
CONFERENCE Proceedings
Conducted three training program on High Impact Management and leadership at two production units of NALCO
Primary Members

Prof. (Dr.) Ajay K. Jain
Director and Professor, Leadership and Organizational Design
Prof Ajay K. Jain has earned his Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and had been a post-doctoral fellow of Aarhus University, Denmark (2012-2014) and Indian School of Business Hyderabad (2003). Prof Jain has also worked as the Director of Institute of Management Studies Ghaziabad (2018-2019) and received a prestigious award of most charismatic leader in management education from Education Post and ASSOCHAM in Jan 2019.
Prior to joining MDI Murshidabad as the Director and Professor, he was working as a Dean and Professor of Leadership and Organization Design in MDI Gurgaon. He has also worked as founding chairperson of the center of excellence for Indian Thought and Management at MDI Gurgaon.
Prof Jain is a visiting Professor to several international universities including, Aarhus University, Denmark (since 2010 onwards), IULM University, Milan, Italy; University of Free State, South Africa; and Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Kozhikode, Ranchi and Bodh Gaya.
Prof Jain has been a member of selection committees for various institutions and organizations and on the board of several organizations e.g., Member, Senate of IIT Indore, Corporate Advisor, Pasona India (Japanese HR consulting firm) and also invited as a key note speaker by various institutions of international repute. Prof Jain has traveled to 35 plus countries across the continents.
He has faith in Indian thought emanating from Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Tatvarth Sutra, Tipitaka etc. He believes in traditional Indian knowledge system and practices concepts like “vasudhaiva kutumbakam” (the world is one family), “Atithi Devo Bhava” (Guest is God) “Ahimsa Paramo Dharma”, (Non-violence is the ultimate religion) and “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah” – May everyone be happy, may everyone be healthy, may everyone see what is favourable, and may no one suffer.
He is teaching courses on “Leading and Designing Organizations”, “Leadership and Emotional Intelligence”, Organizational Transformation, and Research Methods in Business for Indian and International students.
He has published 75-research articles in high impact journals including, Journal of Managerial Psychology, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Psychology and Marketing, Personnel Review, Journal of Management and Organization, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Leadership, Journal of Managerial Issues, and Organization Development Journal are among others and published book chapters and an edited book in the field of Psychology for developing countries. He has also presented 30 papers in Indian and International conferences e.g., American Psychological Association, British Academy of Management, and European Association of Work and Organization Psychology. He has research interests in the field of ancient Indian wisdom, leadership, emotional intelligence, employees’ voice and silence, psychological well-being. He has received an award for extraordinary performance from Aarhus University for his research and publications and from National Academy of Psychology India and best paper award from Emerald.
Prof. Jain has completed 12 research and consulting projects for ministries, public and private sector companies
Prof Jain has designed and delivered training programs for more than 20000 senior managers and CEOs on topics related to leadership development, emotional intelligence, organization transformation etc. He has taken Indian managers to Europe (ESCP France, Germany) and Australia (QUT, Brisbane) for international immersion program, and worked with participants from various nationalities including, Americans, Russians, Japanese, Europeans and Asians.

Dr. Yogita Abichandani
Associate Professor- Human Resource Management, Chairperson-Capital Purchase & Campus Construction, Development & Maintenance committee, Warden Girl’s Hostel
Dr. Yogita Abichandani is the Associate Professor – HR & OB at Management Development Institute, Murshidabad, West-Bengal. Awarded as the distinguished alumni (Circle of 50) of her program at the University of Georgia for the year 2019, she has strived for research and teaching excellence since the beginning of her career. She was the former Area Chair and Associate Professor – HR & OB at Symbiosis International (Deemed University) and a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina System- WCU, USA. Her research interests are Women Leadership, Critical HRD, and Feminist HRD. She graduated with a doctorate from the University of Georgia, USA in 2012. She has over 17 year of experience across multiple sectors and is currently serving as the Advisory Board Member for North Carolina State Employees Credit Union, Asheville, North Carolina. She has published in several national and international conferences and journals. She is the Co-Chair for the India Special Interest Group at the Academy of HRD, USA, a member of Society of HRM, USA and India. She consults with NGO’s in various capacities both in USA and India and provides developmental blueprints to organizations for strategic planning. She also volunteers with various education based NGO’s in India for teacher pedagogy development.
Organization Behavior Research Methods
Talent Management Strategic HR Management Knowledge Management Applied Psychology
There is plethora of initiatives that were taken up to create an innovative and inclusive class-room environment. Some of them are listed below:
Such standards are adequate standards of ethics because they are supported by consistent and well-founded reasons. Secondly, ethics refers to the study and development of one’s ethical standards. As mentioned above, feelings, laws, and social norms can deviate from what is ethical. So, it is necessary to constantly examine one’s standards to ensure that they are reasonable and well-founded. Ethics also means, then, the continuous effort of studying our own moral beliefs and our moral conduct, and striving to ensure that we, and the institutions we help to shape, live up to standards that are reasonable and solidly-based. Based on both these thoughts, ethical development of students through the assigned coursework PGPM program is done. Ethics for writing assignments, collaborative team work, are practiced and finally practiced through case studies in the Business ethics Class. Business ethics deals with the affirmative moral obligations of the employer towards employees to maintain equality and equity justice. Areas of ethics in HRM include safety in the workplace, respect, fairness, privacy, basic human rights, justifiable treatment of employees, and honestly based processes in the workplace. This is thoroughly discussed in detail and practiced through role plays and case studies.
Invited Book Chapter
Refereed Papers
Invited Papers
Book Review
Conference Papers
Research and Evaluation Reports
Telangana State Association for Rural Development- Pedagogy Development Workshop for K-12 Teachers (2017/2018). Madhuban Books and SAILEM STEEL- Pedagogy Development Workshop for K-12 Teachers (2016). One Tree Inc, Athens, GA- Team Building and Strategic Partnership Development. (2015) Project SAFE – Athens County Initiative – Counseling and Volunteer Training Program Development (2014)
Leadership Development for Senior L & T Executives – 2017 Executive Development – Behavior & Networking – Senior Executives- SAIL – 2018 Executive Development- Conflict Management Senior Executives- SAIL- 2019
Quantitative Techniques
Area Chairperson

Dr. Amrita Sengupta
Assistant Professor- Quantitative Techniques, Chairperson-Graduate Program (PGDM) & Examination, Programme Assessment , Centre for Entrepreneurship and Start-ups, Area Chairperson-Quantitative Techniques,Warden of the Girl’s Hostel.
Dr. Amrita Sengupta has completed her PhD from IIT Kharagpur with her Masters in Economics from Jadavpur University. She has more than fifteen years of experience in teaching, research and administration in varied organizations like IIM Calcutta, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, iLEAD and Institute of Wetland Management and Ecological Design. She has worked extensively in both Development Economics and Resource and Environmental Economics as a Research Scientist in projects funded by Stirling University, UK. She has also worked on Industry Competitiveness under CII in a World Bank Project.
She has been a Board of Studies Member, Examinations Chair, Internal auditor of ISO, Guided Research Students and organized several Management Development Programs, Seminars, Conferences while at SMIT. She has publications in several peer reviewed journals, books, learning materials, Conference Proceedings, Reports both national and International. She has been the editor of several publications for both IIMC and SMIT. She has organized several Management Development Programs, Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Summits all throughout her career. She is a member of INSEE, SANDEE & TIES.
Currently at MDIM, she is Assistant Professor- Quantitative Techniques, Chairperson-Graduate Program (PGDM) & Examination, Programme Assessment, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Start-ups, Area Chairperson-Quantitative Techniques,Warden of the Girl’s Hostel. An enthusiastic learner, Dr. Amrita is interested in Climate Change Issues, renewable energy and the data sciences.
Subjects Taught: Statistics for Management, Management Science Models, International Economics, Economics for Managers, Business Policy and Environment, International Business Management
Date | Name of the MDP | Clients |
17th – 19th April 2024 | The Art of Effective Communication | West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) |
01st November 2023 to 31st December 2023 | The Art of Effective Communication and Mind-set Training | TVS ELECTRONICS LIMITED |
08th – 09th September, 2023 | Leading and Managing in the 21st Century | Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE) |
12.06.2023 to 14.06.2023 | The Art of Effective Communication | Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) |
07.06.2023 to 09.06.2023 | The Art of Effective Communication | West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) |
10.01.2023 | FDP: MULTIVARIATE REGRESSION AND R PROGRAMMING | Individual Nominations |
16.01.2023 to 18.01.2023 | The Art of Effective Communication for Organizational Effectiveness | West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) |
29.08.2022 to 31.08.2022 | The Art of Effective Communication for Organizational Effectiveness | West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) |
24.09.2020 to 26.09.2020 | Business Analytics for Managers |
01.07.2019 to 04.07.2019 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
04.03.2019 to 07.03.2019 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
07.01.2019 to 10.01.2019 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
10.12.2018 to 13.12.2018 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
27.08.2018 to 29.08.2018 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
06.08.2018 to 08.08.2018 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
02.07.2018 to 04.07.2018 | High Impact Management Skills for Organizational Effectiveness in a Dynamic Business Ecosystem | SAIL-ISP |
Secondary Members
Strategic Management and International Business
Area Chairperson

Dr. Neeraj Singhal
Assistant Professor- Strategic Management and International Business, Chairperson-Students Disciplinary & Student Counseling committee and Warden Boy’s Hostel.
Dr Neeraj Singhal holds Phd (Management, 2006) from FMS, Gurukula Kangri University Haridwar and MBA (International Business, 1998) from MJP Rohillkhand Univeristy Bareilly. He has attended FDP at (IIMA, 2005), FDP (IIM Indore, 2002). He is having more than 2 decade teaching, research, institution building and industry experience. He worked with Apeejay School of Management, New Delhi as Associate Professor for more than 13 years, prior to that he worked with Gurukula Kangri University Haridwar and Galgotia Institute of Management & Technology, Greater Noida.
Dr Singhal contributed research papers in international and national journal of reputed published from Sage, Springer, Elsevier indexed in ABDC/Scopus etc. He published in the area of sustainable development, climate change, green business, carbon market etc. He is also a reviewer for Cambridge press, Sage publication journals. He has contributed for many international and national conferences organized by IIM, IIT, Universities and other institute of repute across country. He has attended specialized strategic management teachers program initiated by Strategic Management Forum of India (SMFI) at IIMK, IIML, MDI, and IIFT. Dr Singhal also attended one week long specialized program organized under GIAN at NITK, Mysore University, and AMU. He is also associated with many universities and institutions for academic work such as Doctoral supervision, evaluation, paper setting, curriculum review, accreditation workshop etc.
He taught courses related to international business, business strategy, and international business strategy. He has developed module on green business, global climate change and business. He is member of Academy of International Business, USA, and alumnus of IIMA, IIMI.
Business Strategy, International Business, International Business Strategy, Export Import Documentation and Procedures, Global Climate Change and Business, Green Business.
The Strategic Management (SM I & II) is the capstone course for developing an understanding of the Strategic Management and its application in corporate environment. Strategic Management is an interesting course to teach because the problems and issues of strategic management cover the whole spectrum of business, including finance, marketing, management, management information systems, production operations, economics, and statistics. Strategic management is an emerging and rapidly developing discipline. Weighing the pros and cons of alternative strategies entails a total enterprise perspective and a talent for judging how all relevant factors fit together. This is quite a contrast to other required and elective courses, which are generally concerned with a narrower, more specialized body of knowledge. Although the features of strategic management pose an instructional challenge, there is plenty of opportunity to make the study of strategic management the best course in the business curriculum. Strategic Management I covers the formulation part of the strategy such as crafting vision, mission statement, external and internal environment analysis, types of strategies etc. Strategic Management II deals with implementation part of strategy and evaluation and control mechanism.
The teaching pedagogy used in the course is a mix of Lectures, Text, Articles, Cases and Project. The students have to develop the experiential and practical learning, by doing the strategic analysis of the company of own choice as part of SM I course. The SM II course provide an opportunity to develop a case study on the company of own choice. The teaching pedagogies ensure the equal opportunities and attainment of course learning outcomes.
Books Published
Conference Participation & Presentation, Edited Book Chapter
Faculty Development Program/Workshop Attended
Dr Singhal focused on projects related to redefining business strategy landscape for profit and not for profit organizations, sustainable development, climate change and business, doing business in India etc.