MDIM Business Review-Journal

We are pleased to introduce MDI Murshidabad’s journal MDIM Business Review (MDIM BR). MDIM BR is assigned ISSN (online) 2564-8555.MDIM BR is a bi-annual international journal that publishes finest peer reviewed research papers and case studies in all areas of management and its allied disciplines. As of now 2 issues of volume 1 of the journal is published and they are available at
The next issue is expected to be published in July, 2021. Leading academicians from India and abroad are part of the editorial board of the journal.
The journal is a definitive step towards MDIM’s goal to become a hub of ideas in the field of management, and act as an outlet for cutting edge knowledge creation.
The journal is spearheaded by a team comprising ofDr.Souvik Banerjee-Editor, Dr.Bikramjit Pal-Associate Editor, Dr.MahendraSahu- Assistant Editor and Mr Jogen Sharma, Journal Assistant.