Aagaz- Nukkad natak

Prayas, the Social Responsibility Club of MDI Murshidabad organised the Street play event, “Aagaz 1.0 – Nukkad Natak” on January 8th, 2023. The students displayed their incredible acting skills while portraying social challenges. With great energy and zest for theatrical arts, the students expressed themselves exquisitely.
The event started with the 3 teams- Underdogs, Drishya and Darpan putting on their acts depicting social issues we all go through like battling our inner demons, ageing parents being mistreated and many more. Eminent theatre personalities, Shri Haraprasad Das and Shri Subrata Banerjee attended the occasion to watch the students present acts that delivered strong messages. The event saw students take a break from their routine to discover another side of themselves via acting and addressing social causes. A sea of audience watched the magnificent acts put up by the students and cheered on.
Team Drishya won the award for the ‘Best Play’ with the story dealing the voices people hear in their minds. Mohan Singh, won the ‘Best Director’ for directing the play for his team Darpan. Shikha Yadav and Ankit Ashok won the award for ‘Best Actor’ for their breathtaking performances representing Team Drishya and Team Underdogs respectively.