Case Workshop on March 24, 2023

Business teaching cases are an integral component of any business management curriculum. Management institutes use these routinely to give students a feel of the practice to supplement theory. Teaching, writing, and publishing management cases are integral components of the responsibilities of a management educator. The MDI Murshidabad successfully conducted an online case workshop “Writing and Publishing Cases” in collaboration with SAGE Publishers on March 24, 2023, under the guidance of the Director Prof. [Dr.] Atmanand, for dissemination of knowledge in the matter. The sessions broadly covered the science and art of preparing a management teaching case, and the process of publishing it.
The sessions were attended by about fifteen research scholars, and faculty members, from various reputable institutions in the country. The sessions were delivered by Dr. Suddhachit Mitra, Assistant Professor, MDI Murshidabad, who acted as the Programme Director.