Faculty Seminar

“Changing perceptions of HRD in India”: The biggest issue was that HRD was only projected as a training and development function or solution to all human-related issues in any organization. Between 1985-1990, the national HRD Network (NHRDN) was formed by the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA). Since then, the NHRDN has worked on several HRD projects advancing and strengthening the field of HRD in India. India as a developing country is faced with many social, political, and cultural issues. New Directions of NHRD identified include but are not limited to Gender Inequity; Changing Status of Women Leaders; Skill Development Program by Government of India; HRD for Agriculture Sector. This paper was published by Muduli, Abichandani, Bhaduri & Chaudhuri In Human Resource Development International (a high impact factor Journal) DOI: 10.1080/13678868.2019.1664179, under the guidance of Professor Dr. Atmanand.