ICBIT-2020 Book Launch

MDI Murshidabad under the patronage of Director, Prof (Dr.) Atmanand, conducted International Conference on Business, IT and Enterprise Architecture (ICBIT) in online mode.
We are immensely pleased to introduce an edited book based on ICBIT 2020 in hard copy format. The conference saw participation from across India as well as abroad. The conference acted as a platform for intellectual stimulation and exchange among scholars across the globe. The conference was conducted in online mode in the backdrop of Covid-19 pandemic.
We hope the edited book should add to the existing body of knowledge in the field of management and allied disciplines. This book was inaugurated on 24th December, 2021 during the monthly research based seminar series delivered by MDI Murshidabad faculty members.
The monthly research based seminar series is another pioneering initiative under the abled and dynamic leadership of Prof (Dr.) Atmanand.