ICBIT 2021 (25 – 27 Nov. 2021)

ICBIT 2021 was organized by MDI Murshidabad. It was a conference for thought leadership. The conference was inaugurated by Prof(Dr) Atmanand, Director, MDI Murshidabad.
Staying true to the legacy, the ICBIT platform has been successful in attracting inquisitive minds across the country to discuss emerging research topics. Cross-functional and transdisciplinary research has been facilitated during the three-day event. A Ph.D. Colloquium was also organized as part of this conference.
Mr.Ramkrishna Karanth, CEO, Siegwrek India was the Chief Guest of the ceremony. Dr.Raj Kumar Agrawal, Director, CME-AIMA as well as Mr.Sandeep Bhattacharya, India Project Manager, Climate Bond Initiative were the guest of honour.
Prominent academicians will chair various tracks in the conference. Paper presenters from all across the country will present papers at the conference. Scholars and Academicians from prominent institutes and deemed universities like IIM, NIT, BITs-Pilani, MICA, MDI-G, etc. will be part of this conference.