ICCBP 2021

International Conference on Changing Business Paradigm (ICCBP)
19 – 21st March 2021 in online mode
(Theme-Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Business Management: Post-Covid 19)
About the conference
International Conference on Changing Business Paradigm (ICCBP) aims at capturing role of innovations in management practices. It seeks to deliberate upon the emerging theories, concepts and models in general, practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in particular in the field of innovations in management practices keeping in view current pandemic situation too. This event endeavours to create forum for academician, researchers, practicing managers and students to share their ideas and research findings, and address contemporary issues and challenges in business and industry.
Call for Papers:
Original research papers and case studies are invited on current issues in any of the following subthemes: | ||
Track-1: Contemporary issues and challenges in Marketing:
Track-2: Contemporary issues and challenges in Finance and Accounting:
Track-3: Contemporary issues and challenges in OB and HRM:
Track-4: Contemporary issues and challenges in Operations and SCM:
Track-5: Contemporary issues and challenges in IT:
Track-6: Contemporary issues and challenges in Business policy, strategy and entrepreneurship:
Track-7: Case Studies:
Note: This is an indicative list. Contributions from areas not listed above are also welcome.
Opportunity to publish in reputed Journals:
The conference organizing committee will send few of the selected papers for the fast-track review as suggested by the Editor, in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief of respective journals. Those papers must mention that paper was presented in the conference and has been revised based on the comments received from the reviewers during the conference. Sending out research papers for review does not guarantee the publication.
All registered and presented papers after going through the peer review process, selected papers will be published as part of conference proceedings in the form of eBook with ISBN.
The MDIM Online International Conference providing you an opportunity to publish your research papers in the following journals:
- International Journal of Emerging Markets (ABDC -B: in consultation with the Senior Editor Prof. Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Editor-in-chief)
- Journal of Public Affairs (ABDC-B, in consultation with the SE Asia Regional Editor)
- Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice (UGC care list, in consultation with the Associate Editor Prof. Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Editor-in-Chief)
- MDIM Business Review-Journal of MDIM.
Paper Submission Guidelines
All the papers should be mailed at iccbp@mdim.ac.in
The papers submitted to the International Conference on Changing Business Paradigm (ICCBP) 2021 should describe your original work and should not have been published elsewhere or under consideration. The full version of your paper should be formatted as per the guidelines given below. The submitted paper should be in between 5,000-7,000 words including all the text, figures, tables, references, and appendices.
Kindly mention the track name in the subject line while submitting the full research paper.
Page Format
- A4 paper size with 1-inch margin on all sides
- Single spaced
- 12 point Times New Roman font
Title and Abstract
The cover page should bear only the title of the paper, names, official addresses, email IDs, phone/fax numbers of the authors, a brief biographical note of the authors and acknowledgements (if any).
- An abstract of 200-250 words with 5-7 keywords. Heading ABSTRACT appears before the text centered, bold, UPPERCASE, 12 point. Body of the abstract is justified and in 12-point font.
Body of the paper
- SECTION HEADINGS are to be in UPPERCASE, bold, 12-point font, and centered
- Sub-section Headings are to be in Title case, bold, 12-point font, and left justified
- Sub-sub-section Headings are to be in Title case, italicized, 12-point font, and indented 0.5 inches
- All headings are separated from the following paragraph with a blank line
- Separate paragraphs with a blank line
- Starting line of a paragraph is indented 0.5 inches
- Body of the paper should use a 12-point font
Figures, Tables and Equations
- All figures, tables, and equations are to be included within the prescribed page limit
- All tables and figures should have a caption
- The description of the figure should be provided below the figure left aligned
- The description of the table should be provided above the table left aligned
- Equations are to be serially numbered and should be created using MS-Word Equation tab.
For books/ monographs:
Engle, R. (2009), “Anticipating Correlations: A New Paradigm for Risk Management”, Princeton University Press, Princeton
For contributions to collective works:
De Bondt W.F.M. and Thaler, R. H.,(1993),” Does the Stock Market Overreact”, in Advances in Behavioural Finance, Thaler R. (ed), Russell Sage Foundation, New York, pp. 249-264.
For Journals:
Fama, E. (1991), “Efficient Capital Markets II”, Journal of Finance, Vol. 46(5), pp. 1575-1617
Online text reference
Robinson, B.A. “End of the World Predictions,” Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. available at: http://www.religioustolerance.org/end_wrld.htm (accessed June 11, 2007).
Working Papers
Surname, Initials (year). “Title of article”, working paper [number if available], Institution or organization, Place of organization, date.
Mahajan, R. (2014). “How to publish academic research on food safety: food processing ministry”, working paper, Ministry of Food Processing Industries, New Delhi, India, 15, April, 2014
Important Dates
Date of the Conference: 19 – 21st March 2021
Last date of submission of abstract: 25th November 2020
Last date for Registration: 28th February 2021
Notification of the acceptance of the abstract: 30th November 2020
Submission of full paper: 15th January 2021
Intimation of acceptance of full paper: 30th January 2021
Mode of Conference
The conference will be conducted in online mode.
Registration Fee
Type of delegate | Indian (INR)* (Including SAARC Countries) | Foreign (USD)* |
Corporate | 1500 | 50 |
Academician | 1000 | 25 |
Research Scholar/Students/Delegates | 500 | 15 |
Only Participation | 300 | 10 |
* Inclusive of 18% GST |
Registration Details
Download the registration form and send it with the payment receipt once you get the abstract/paper acceptance mail.
Click here to download the registration form.
Bank Details
A/c Name – Management Development Institute Murshidabad
Bank – State Bank of India
A/c No. – 33987582978
IFSC – SBIN0012355
Organizing Committee
- Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director, MDI Murshidabad
Conference Chairs:
- Prof. (Dr.) Biranchi Narayan Swar, Dean-Continuing Education
- Dr. Neeraj Singhal, Assistant Professor
Conference Co-Chairs:
- Dr. Chetan GK, Associate Professor
- Dr. Niharika Gaan, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Yukti Sharma, Assistant Professor
Advisory Members
Dr. Naresh K. MalhotraRegents’ Professor Emeritus, Georgia Institute of Technology (Scheller College of Business), USA |
Dr. Pratap BiswalProfessor and Dean-Research, Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurugram, India |
Dr. R. K. MittalVice Chancellor, Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani, India |
Dr. Rajat AgarwalProfessor and Associate Dean, Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee, India |
Dr. D. P. GoyalDirector, IIM Shillong, India |
Dr. Rajat PanwarAssociate Professor, Department of Management, Walker College of Business, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC |
Dr. Rajesh PandaDirector, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bangalore, India |
Dr. V. G. VenkateshAssociate Professor, EM Normandie Business School, France |
Mr. Mussarat HussainMaruti Suzuki India Limited, Gurugram, India |
Dr. Aviral Kumar TiwariAssociate Professor, Rajagiri Business School, Kochi, India, and Research Fellow, University of Orleans, France and University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam |
Dr. Justin PaulProfessor, University of Puerto Rico, USA |
Prof. Neharika VohraPhD Psychology, University of Manitoba
Dr. R K MittalVice Chanceller
Dr. D P GoyalDirector
Prof. Anand UpadhyayaDirector
Dr. Pratap Chandra BiswalProfessor (Accounting and Finance) and Dean (Research and Accreditations)
Dr. Justin PaulEditor in Chief, International Journal of Consumer studies, & Associate Editor, Journal of Business Research
Dr. Rajat AgarwalProfessor, Associate Dean (Innovation and Incubation)
Dr. Rajat PanwarAssociate Professor (Sustainable Business Management)
Dr. Aviral Kumar TiwariAssociate Professor of Economics
Prof. Ramendra SinghAssociate Professor of Marketing