Inauguration Ceremony of RFID system & New Extension Reading room of MDI Murshidabd Library

The Inauguration ceremony of the RFID system and the New Extension Reading Room of the Library took place on 10-05-2022 at the MDI Murshidabad campus. Assistant Librarian commenced the event by welcoming all the Faculty and Non-Faculty Members of MDI Murshidabad into the Ceremony.
It was followed by lighting the lamp by Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand (Director), Dean Academic, Dean Continuous Education, the Registrar & Chairperson (Library).
In his speech, Prof.(Dr.) Atmanand emphasized how this initiative will help MDI Murshidabad excel in the arena of Teaching, Learning, and Research. He also lauded the implementation of LMS at the MDI Murshidabad campus and how it helped in conducting the online examinations without a hassle during the pandemic. He also pointed out that Library is the backbone of any Academic Institution and this initiation would help the readers to use the Library to its maximum.
In the end, Chairperson (Library) offered a vote of thanks to all the dignitaries, Faculty, and Non-Faculty Members of MDIM for gracing the occasion with their solemn presence and urge them to use the Library to the extent possible.