International Conference on Business, IT and Enterprise Architecture (ICBIT-2021)

Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director-MDI Murshidabad graced the Book Launch Ceremony of the International Conference on Business, IT and Enterprise Architecture (ICBIT-2021) by inaugurating the Proceedings of ICBIT-2021 on 31st May 2022.
ICBIT is a flagship conference of MDI Murshidabad. Spread over three days of 25-27 November, 2021, the conference brought together academicians and corporate practitioners from various parts of India as well as a number of other countries across the globe. Noted academicians chaired the various technical tracks, and it was a real value addition to the paper presenters. A PhD colloquium was part of the conference; it was quite helpful for the research scholars as they received valuable feedback from seasoned academicians. Research scholars from various reputed universities/institutes participated in the colloquium.
The conference proceeding should add to the existing body of knowledge in the field of management and allied disciplines.