MDP on “Digital Transformation of HR”

MDIM launched the Two days Open MDP on “Digital Transformation of HR” from 08th to 09th Sep 2022.
The programme was inaugurated on 08th Sep 2022.
The objective of the program is to understand changing HR landscape, Digitalization and Digitization in HR (Transformation & Automation), Artificial Intelligence demystified from HRM context, AI powered HR Analytics and Metrics, Digital is a Recipe –Understanding Employee Experience, led Designs (EX), Future Skills -Global Competencies and Career advancement in HR through Digital HR skills.
Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director-MDI inaugurated the event in absentia. In his message, he welcomed all participants of Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Ashiana Housing, Suzuki Motors, Gujrat, Bank Note Paper Mills India Pvt. Ltd. and Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited and thanked them for joining this prestigious training program to enhance their career advancement in HR through digital HR skills. He also pointed out that this training programs of MDIM have been customized and designed to meet the requirements of officials. He stressed that the participants should take the benefit of the program and implements the skill learned in their day to day activities.
Dr. Paroma Mitra, Assistant Professor, and Program Director of this MDP, also introduces the resource person Prof Antarpreet Singh of this Programme and focused upon the fact that this programme on digital transformation of HR is a great opportunity for the participants and get a clear view of successive transformation of HR in last 2-3 decades, Understand AI stack in context of HR ecosystems, Get a clear view of various stages of HR Analytics driven by AI & ML, Understand employee journeys in today’s digital age.