MDP on Financial Modelling for Managers

MDI Murshidabad is all set to launch its MDP on Financial Modelling for Managers” on 8th and 9th August, 2023 via the Zoom platform under the guidance of Prof (Dr.) Atmanand, Director-MDI Murshidabad.
Dr. Chetan G.K, Associate Professor-Finance, MDI Murshidabad is the Programme Director and Resource Person of the program. The program provides the participants abundant opportunities to experience Excel handling capabilities with respect to numerical analysis, graphical illustrations, and customized formatting that arise out of applications on basic finance calculations, estimating cost of capital, investment decisions and valuation of the real company. Laptops with installed MS Excel application is mandatory for the participants to attend the MDP, as it is a complete hands on course.
This program covers topics like, performing basic Finance Calculation using Excel Spreadsheet: Present value, Future value, Payment Schedules and loan tables, usage of data tables for performing sensitivity analysis; Calculation of Cost of Equity and Cost of Debt, Calculating weighted average cost of capital (WACC); Investment decisions: NPV, IRR, MIRR, XIRR, XNPV calculations; Valuation of a listed company based on Consolidated statement of cash-flows.
The learning outcomes of this program are Application of basic Finance Excel functions, Computation of WACC, Application of Investment Decisions of Corporate Finance on Excel Spreadsheet and Building a Valuation Model for a real company.
The program is designed to target Mid to Senior level employees of the organisation.
The programme is curated to provide the participants with abundant opportunities to experience Excel handling capabilities with respect to numerical analysis, graphical illustrations, and customized formatting.