MoC between MDI Murshidabad and All India Management Association (AIMA)

Our Director, Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand had the privilege and honour to sign the MoC between All India Management Association (AIMA) and Management Development Institute (MDI) Murshidabad on 3rd. February 2020. Through this, MDI Murshidabad has become an affiliate of AIMA promoted India Case Research Centre (ICRC).
On behalf of All India Management Association (AIMA), Dr. Raj Agrawal, Professor and Director of All India Management Association, Centre for Management Education (AIMA CME) signed the MoC.
World wide there are multiple repositories of business cases. However, there was no India specific Business Case repository. AIMA ICRC intends to fill that gap.
With this agreement, MDI Murshidabad joins the leagues of Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore, Indore, Trichy as well as Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad, who are already associated with this prestigious organization.
MDIM through its Centre of Excellence in Case Research, i.e. MDIM Case Research Centre (MDIMCRC) intends to engage with AIMA ICRC for a multi-facet collaboration on Case Teaching and Research.
It is noteworthy that today, i.e. February 5 is World Case Teaching Day.