Online MDP on certified Blockchain professional

MDI Murshidabad has launched a 3 days and 12 hours online MDP program on “Certified Blockchain Professional” for executives, students, entrepreneurs, consultants, professional service providers, and technology enthusiasts who want to understand blockchain and better prepare for a long-term career.
The course is designed to introduce the concept of blockchain and explain different types of blockchain like Ethereum, Quorum, Hyperledger and R3 Corda and Industry use cases. The course will provide an overview of the structure and mechanism of blockchain. As a beginner, one will learn the importance of consensus in transactions, how transactions are stored on a blockchain, the history of bitcoin, and how to use bitcoin.
Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director-MDI Murshidabad graced the occasion with his august presence through the web and inaugurated the event. In his message, he welcomed all participants from reputed organizations and thanked them for showing faith in MDIM and joining this course. He also elaborated that online MDPs are a continuation of MDIM’s initiative to cope with the surrounding disruption and take advantage of the unprecedented growth of technology. He also expressed that the vision for MDIM is to become an internationally renowned business school that will rejuvenate the knowledge and career of the participants of its courses.
Dr. Bikramjit Pal, Program Director focused upon the fact that the course will discuss the Ethereum platform and its programming language Solidity and develop a use case. One can set up their private blockchain environment using Ethereum. In addition, the course will discuss developing a smart contract on private Ethereum blockchain and will be deploying the contract from the web and console. Then, one will learn about Hyperledger. Towards the end of the course, we will be discussing various practical use cases of blockchain to enhance your learning experience.
After completing this training, one should be able to: • Comprehend the cryptography and cryptocurrency concepts • Encompass the concept of blockchain • Understand the importance of blockchain technology • Understand Ethereum blockchain and DAPPS • Discuss the compelling use-cases of the blockchain including • Interpret the prospects of blockchain using Hyperledger Fabric • Assess, how blockchain can improve your business standards • Understand the concepts behind NFTs, Metaverse, ICO, STO, etc.