Online MDP on Developing Highly Effective Subordinates through Coaching, Mentoring and Feedback

MDIM launched its 2 Days Online MDP on Developing Highly Effective Subordinates through Coaching, Mentoring and Feedback. The program is designed to develop managers into effective coaches and feedback providers so that they could help themselves and their subordinates effectively. The workshop provides the nuggets of the distilled wisdom of coaching and power-packed principles of providing effective feedback. This shall enable them to identify and overcome shortcomings, wastages, time and cost over-runs and other such gaps in performance and quality in their own performance as well as that of their subordinates. The workshop is divided into four simple but intense two-hour sessions each illustrating the four phases of a typical coaching session and each of these sessions concludes with recapitulation and one of the four phases of a typical coaching session.

This program aims to achieve the following objectives and outcomes:
The course is designed to help participants to develop coaching skills that they can use to transform their subordinates into highly effective team members as individuals, and build a high-performance team, collectively.

Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director-MDI Murshidabad inaugurated the event in absentia on 28th May 2021. In his message, he welcomed all participants from reputed organizations and thanked them joining this Programme.

Resource Person: Mr. Anil Bhatnagar was a corporate trainer to over 125 companies in India, the Middle East, and the US (Av. feedback rating of 9.4/10); a visiting faculty to several management institutes; an award-winning author of five books; a newspaper columnist with over 50 published articles. And featured among the world’s best speakers interviewed at the America’s Live Big Media World Tele summit on Awaken to Your Greatest Life hosted by Lance Hood in 2013. He was one among the 19 gurus picked up from all over the world by Brenda Barnaby, the British author of Beyond the Secret whose work she has quoted in and based her book on. In March 2017, SAA, a Washington DC training company profiled him as the Trainer of the Month.

Certificate Courses
Online MDP/FDP Registration
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