Online MDP on Developing Highly Effective Team Members through Coaching, Mentoring and Feedback

MDIM launched its 2 Days Online MDP on Developing Highly Effective Team Members through Coaching, Mentoring and Feedback. The program is designed to develop managers into effective coaches and feedback providers so that they could help themselves and their team members effectively.

Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director-MDI Murshidabad inaugurated the event in absentia on 23rd November 2021. Dr. Chetan G.K, the Programme Director stressed upon to understand and develop a clear idea about what coaching is and develop sensitivity about the essential behaviours and practices that make one an effective coach.

Mr. Anil Bhatnagar helped design the course to help participants develop coaching skills that they can be used to transform their team members into highly effective team members as individuals, and build a high-performance team, collectively.

Certificate Courses
Online MDP/FDP Registration
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