Online MDP on Employee Relation-II.

MDIM launched its 3 Days 12 Hours onlineMDP on Employee Relation-II, for the HR Managers, Project Managers, Executives, Legal Managers, Line and Managers who are dealing with legal compliances on day-to-day basis.
The programme was inaugurated on 17th September 2020. The program had three pronged objectives: 1. Bring awareness about the existence of Social security and Remunerative based legal provisions, 2. Enable the participant aware of the nuances of the lawthrough applications and vast experiences of practitioners, and 3. Bring awareness about the latest Code and amendments in the Social security and Remunerative basedrelated law.
Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director-MDI Murshidabad graced the occasion by his august presence through web and inaugurated the event. In his inaugural address, he welcomes all participants from reputed organizations. He also elaborated that online MDPs are continuation of MDIM’s initiative to cope up with the surrounding disruption and take advantage of the unprecedented growth of technology. He reiterated the facts that ignorance about the statutory provisions may raise the cost to the company which in turn reduces operational efficiency.Even early detection of failures in compliance may prevent any organization to invite any unforeseen events that may inflict functional impairment while causing damage to it.He also emphasised that MDIM strives to make every student, change masters and thought leaders. MDIM offers global opportunities for its MDP participants through a multicultural blended environment. He also expressed that vision for MDIM is to becoming an internationally renowned business school.
Dr. Niharika Gaan, the Programme Director stressed upon thefact that elementary knowledge about the legal compliances as well as what exist in practice may enable HR, Line and Project managers to take judicious and morale stand while taking decisions in people centric matter. This in turn will culminate in culture primarily driven by ethics, integrity and morality.