Online MDP on How to do Organizational Succession Planning

MDIM launched its 2 Days’ Online MDP on “How to do Organizational Succession Planning”. The program is designed to gain expertise to help organizations in strengthening ‘Leadership Bench Strength, Understand the basics and importance of Strategic Succession Planning, Equipped with required knowledge and skills to design, develop & execute well-defined Strategic Succession Planning approach/framework, Understand key aspects of an effective Succession Planning, Key characteristics of Succession planning process, Recognize & overcome obstacles to Succession Planning process, Learn a holistic approach towards talent development, Learn key Talent Retention & Engagement Strategies.
Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director-MDI Murshidabad graced the occasion by his august presence through web and inaugurated the event. In his message, he welcomed all participants from reputed organizations and thanked them for showing faith in MDIM and joining the MDP. He also elaborated that online MDPs are continuation of MDIM’s initiative to cope up with the surrounding disruption and take advantage of the unprecedented growth of technology. He stated that this programme has its focus on practical aspects of succession planning related tools to manage the business more efficiently and achieve success. He also reiterated that MDIM hones the participants’ skill by following CNNG mantra (connect, network, nurture and growth). He also emphasised that MDIM strives to make every student, change masters and thought leaders. MDIM offers global opportunities for its MDP participants through a multi-cultural blended environment. He invited participants of MDP to be part of the great family of MDIM and together to usher changes. He also expressed that vision for MDIM is to become an internationally renowned business school which rejuvenates the knowledge and career of the participants of its courses.
Dr. Chetan G.K, the Programme Director stressed upon to understand and develop a clear idea about what succession planning is and develop Key characteristics of Succession Management process.
Resource Person: Ms. Debjani Roy is a Human Resource and L&D professional with 25+ years of Corporate experience, with an established reputation of providing transformative people leadership across, she has handled all aspects of HR including IR, Recruitment, Learning & Development, Compensation & Benefits, Policy frameworks, HR Operations, Business Partnering, M&As, Cross-cultural workforce, Diversity, Gender & Inclusion and HR Shared Services across industries. She has also been the champion for CSR in many of the companies she has worked in.