Online MDP on Human Resource Interventions for Raising Employee Productivity

MDIM launched its 3 Days 12 Hours online MDP on “Human Resource Interventions for Raising Employee Productivity”, designed for Mid- HR professionals & Managers with 3-5 years’ experience, Executives, Academicians, Entrepreneurs, Research Scholars, Management Students and all professionals who are interested to get benefit from this program.
The programme was inaugurated on 24th February 2021.
This program is designed to help organizations face the employee efficiency challenges due to the current crisis. The program will employee various interventions at individual, team, and organizational level to:
- Raising employee output or productivity
- Managing employee efficiency with quality outcomes
- Optimum resource utilization
- Incentives for enhancing productivity
- Morale/Motivation Development
- Skilling, Deskilling, Reskilling & Up skilling using modern technology tools
Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director-MDI Murshidabad inaugurated the event in absentia. In his message, he welcomed all participants from reputed organizations and thanked them for showing faith in MDIM and joining this course. He also elaborated that online MDPs are continuation of MDIM’s initiative to cope up with the surrounding disruption and take advantage of the unprecedented growth of technology. He stated that this programme has its focus on practical aspects of Human Resource Interventions related tools to manage the business more efficiently and achieve success. He also reiterated that MDIM hones the participants skill by following CNNG mantra (connect, network, nurture and growth).He also emphasised that MDIM strives to make every student, change masters and thought leaders. MDIM offers global opportunities for its MDP participants through a multicultural blended environment. He invited participants of MDP to be part of the great family of MDIM and together to usher changes. He also expressed that vision for MDIM is to becoming an internationally renowned business school which will rejuvenate the knowledge and career of the participants of its courses.
Dr. Yogitta Abichandani the Programme Director of the programme informed that the focus of the programme is to provide the employee various interventions at individual, team, and organisational level and help them to organize and face the employee efficacy challenges due to the current crisis.