Online MDP on Robust and Lean Supply Chain Management.

MDIM launched its 2 Days 8 Hours online MDP on Robust and Lean Supply Chain Management, designed for Corporate Practitioners at executive level, Academicians working in Supply Chain Management, Operations, Manufacturing and other functions.
The programme was inaugurated on 28th September 2020. The program had following two key objectives:
(1) Cost and service levels are key important performance measures of any Supply Chain. Both the performance measures have trade off, if not configured and managed strategically, supply chain will fail to support the business objectives. The challenge gets more critical with the pace of change in the business environment. For corporates it is mandatory to design and develop a robust and lean Supply Chain.
(2) The said program will help the participants in understanding supply chain and how lean principals can be applied in it. The program will also help to understand and apply techniques to create a robust supply chain to cope with all adverse circumstances.
Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand, Director-MDI Murshidabad inaugurated the event in absentia. In his message, he welcomed all participants from reputed organizations and thanked them for showing faith in MDIM and joining this course.
Dr. Debasis Chanda and Dr. Sunil Giri, the Programme Directors stressed upon the fact that this programme on Robust and Lean Supply Chain Management will be a great oppurtunity for the participants to gain industry knowledge and nuances of operations and supply chain area. The participants will come to know about basic concepts of supply chain prevailing now a days, Toyota production system and Lean concept, creation of a robust and lean supply chain, roll of suppliers, Kaizen for creating robust and Lean supply chain, Information Technoligy aspect for Robust and Lean supply chain.