Redefining HR practices post COVID-19 (9th Aug. 2020, 5:00 PM)

Challenges emerging from the ‘new’ normal.
HR teams have more than a handful of challenges to tackle, with most of the staff having to work remotely. New methods will be required to monitor the productivity of employees working remotely. The performance management system may need a complete overhaul, with new targets, expectations, and rewards. The revised policies and guidelines should incorporate the process of resource availability and utilization for their employees to be able to work remotely.
- Remote working becomes the new norm
- Resurgence of the gig economy
- Emphasis on employee social safety
- Shift in focus – from efficiency to resilience
- Employee training
- Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Exciting times lie ahead, albeit with a host of challenges. For HR managers, this is a time for them to play a defining role in shaping the future of organizations. To sum up, People, Policies, and Processes will be the three broad pillars on which they can build a new foundation for HR excellence.