Research Based Faculty Seminar held on 26 Nov 2021

Topic: The Relationship between Mindfulness of Software developers and Team performance: A Cross-level Moderated Mediation Analysis
MDI Murshidabad encourages its faculty members to be thought leaders in their respective fields and as part of this endeavor this kind of faculty research seminar series being organized, where faculty members presents on cutting edge research ideas under guidance of Prof.(Dr.)Atmanand, Director MDI Murshidabad.
The extant literature during COVID-19 has reported social and psychological challenges among software developers. Due to this, the remote engagement and subsequent attrition rate became enduring concerns in the IT industry. Therefore, a research study was undertaken to investigate the conditional effect of adhocracy culture on the relationship between mindful software developers and team performance via psychological safety and remote engagement during COVID-19. Based on the hierarchical data structure, the study performed hierarchical linear modeling to examine the proposed assumptions. Findings added to the lens of self-determination theory, and the existing body of knowledge in the arena of mindfulness, psychological safety, adhocracy culture, remote engagement, and team performance. The practical implications of the research study can be well ascertained while assessing the effectiveness of the mindful software developer and subsequent consequences on every facet of the business.