Samanvay, 2020

Samanvay’2020 is an HR Club initiative of Management Development Institute Murshidabad. This HR Conclave will be the meeting ground of Human Resource leaders, hailing from different sectors of the corporate who would discuss into the intricacies of the different dynamics of this disruptive era. The overarching theme of SAMANVAY, 2020 is “HR in the age of disruption”. We would try to understand and explore how the technological disruptions like AI, Machine Learning, Automation would change and affect the field of HR. The changing organisational structures, impregnated by the start-up ecosystem, the gig economy and the millennial workforce is calling for a transformation in our HR practices. SAMANVAY aspires to discuss and engage in redefining our workspaces, building a more inclusive workspace and be future ready to the changing needs of time.