
Sustainability is the need of the hour. In times where irrational exploitation of resources dampens the growth potential of entities, sustainable development becomes the last resort. On 6th and 7th December 2019, MDI Murshidabad witnessed the second edition of International Conference: Sustainable Development, A Value Chain Perspective (SDVP). SDVP is a platform where academicians, researchers, industry experts, professionals come together and engage in discussions to come up with distinctive solutions.
SDVP 2019 was inaugurated by the respected director of MDI Murshidabad, Professor(Dr.) Atmanand. The guests of honor Mr. Kaushik Mukherjee (Vice President, Phillips Carbon Black Ltd.), Mr. Partha Sarathi Mishra (Ex CHRM, Tata Steel, Kalinganagar, Gopalpur),
Dr. T.V Muralivallabhan (Independent Director of MSTC LTD. And Chairman of CSR), The keynote speaker Mr. Salim G. Purushothaman (Director Production & Director of Finance Braithwaite & Co. LTD.) And the Chief Guest Mr. GM Kapur (Trustee, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Trust) graced everyone with their august presence.
The themes of the presentations were Marketing, Operational, HR, Economic, Financial, Digital and Environmental Sustainability etc.
A unique feature of this year’s conference is the elimination of single-use plastic including plastic bottles. MDI Murshidabad has joined hands with local NGOs to raise awareness against the use of plastics, and have pledged to use sustainable products like jute bags and copper vessels in place.
SDVP 2019 was out-and-out academic jamboree which created an atmosphere of immense learning.