Two day workshop on Behavioural Finance by Prof. Bakshi

The students of MDI Murshidabad hold their chest with pride now after attending a captivating and truly mind blowing Two-Day Workshop (17-18 March, 2019) on Behavioral Finance by Prof. Sanjay Bakshi.
Prof. Bakshi is one of India’s best recognized and celebrated finance professors who has been teaching Behavioral Finance, Business Valuation, Forensic Accounting & Corporate Governance at Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon since 2001. He received M.Sc from London School of Economics and also a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Thanks to Prof. (Dr.) Atmanand for constant motivation & Dr. Debaditya Mohanti & Team Finartha-The Finance Club- MDI Murshidabad for successfully organizing the event.