Webinar on “Nutritive Sensitive Farming – A New way” (26/09/2021, 10.00 AM)

More than half of the global population is not adequately nourished. Hunger, micronutrient deficiencies, overweight, and obesity often exist in parallel in the same country. The nature and causes of malnutrition are complex and additional challenges such as changing demand for agricultural products, climate change and natural resource degradation complicate the situation even more.
Nutrition-sensitive approaches to agriculture are considered key to achieving food security and good nutrition. Nutrition-specific interventions tackle the immediate causes of malnutrition. They seek to improve the context in which nutrition is embedded and by doing so find long-term solutions. The approach can be seen as a subset of the larger canvas of agro ecology and sustainable food systems, with an explicit focus on addressing household nutrition security.
To provide more insights on the topic “Nutritive Sensitive Farming – A New Way”, MDI Murshidabad is elated to host Dr. Amit Tripathi, CEO, Geolife Agritech Pvt Ltd for Kroneversation, the talk series of MarKrone, The Marketing Club.
Dr. Amit Tripathi is the Chief Executive Officer in Geolife, a research-based Crop Nutrition, Crop Health & BioAg global company. Before joining Geolife, he worked for Indofil, DuPont, Biostadt, Zytex and BEC Fertilizer in different capacities in India and International Agri space. He carries more than two decades of rich experience in the Agriculture Input industry majorly in Plant Nutrition, BioAg and Super Specialties innovative solutions.
Dr. Tripathi holds Graduation and Post-Graduation in Agriculture from Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (MP). He completed MBA with distinction from Stratford University. Dr. Tripathi is recognized among Top Ten CEO’s / Leaders in Agriculture, 2021 by CEO Insights group and Leader with Strategic Vision by ABSA-2021.
#MDIMurshidabad is looking forward to this opportunity and intends to take valuable lessons from the session.