PhD Colloquium
ICBIT- 2021 Ph.D. colloquium aims to encourage well-grounded research among doctoral students in management and allied disciplines. In this direction a PhD colloquium is introduced in this edition of ICBIT.

The objectives of the doctoral colloquium are

  • To encourage interesting and important research by doctoral students in management and allied disciplines.
  • To provide a platform to research scholars to present their research work in front of well-known academicians and get valuable feedback.
  • Provide a platform for collaborative research among researchers from various universities/institutes.

The Ph.D. colloquium is open for doctoral scholars across different management and allied disciplines. At least one of the author of the research paper should be a doctoral student. We welcome submission by both fulltime as well as part time doctoral students.

To submit your research paper for PhD colloquium, write “Submission for PhD colloquium” in the subject line of the email. For submission guidelines refer https://www.mdim.ac.in/icbit-2021.

Important dates:
  • Date of Conference: 25th , 26th and 27th November, 2021
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 20th September, 2021
  • Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 25th September, 2021
  • Submission of Full Paper: 20th October, 2021
  • Notification of Paper Acceptance: 27th October, 2021

The best paper from the doctoral students will be awarded with cash prizes.

Award# Money will be as follows —

First Prize: INR 15,000

Second Prize: INR 10,000

#The decision of the conference committee regarding award of the prizes will be final

Certificate Courses
Online MDP/FDP Registration
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